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tsl mods plz


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out of curiosity what tsl mods are there and does anyone have links to them any mods would be nice prefer the ones for actual gaming to and does anyone have the revan robes mod? i also heard of some mod for one of them for exar kuns tombs mission anyone got that one?

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i have looked b found nothing for a mod on the exar kuns tomb or revans robe and stuff.


Check below for the mods you want, I'm presuming it's for K1...


You haven't looked very hard evidently... Especially with regards Revan's robes considering there are multiple mods which give you his robe and various items... And all you have to do is go to the search engine and type "Revan" and "cape"


Firstly you'll want this;


Revans flowing cape and belt. (click me)


Chainz Revan's items (click me)


KotOR Files Search for Revan's Cape (click me)


Exar Kun's Tomb (click me)


You may also want to review Reccomended Mods for K1 and TSL (click me)


As this thread is in the wrong forum, and there are millions like it, it is locked -- j7

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