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New player, lots of questions, can't post on official forums


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So. For some reason I can't even view the official forums (IE, no subforums, threads or anything) when I'm logged in there, let alone post. I can read when NOT logged in (go figure) but I've been unable to find answers to some questions.


Just on the trial right now, but I like the little bit I've played.


1. How do I get a global/regional chat channel in-game? Be nice to ask questions there too.


2. I loved the idea of combining an entertainer (the buff side -- artistry I think) with beastmaster. My ultimate desire would be to use the pet to be able to actually take on some content (not as well as the combat classes, I'd expect that), and manufacture the pets as well. Sort of a traveling circus/exotic pet merchant :D I know from the expertise calculator thingies that would severely limit my points for buffing; are there any "must haves" for people to consider it worthwhile asking me for buffs (aside from my outstanding showmanship ;) )? If all else fails, just enough buffage to get my own self by would be okay, I guess.


3. Can Merchant Tents be used by people other than crafters? (Can you see I've been slumming the wiki? Heh.)


4. EDIT: Oh, yes. Are Crafters the only ones who can use the harvesters? Or can other people without the bonuses the crafters can spec into?


Aaaand...crap. I know there were lots more. I guess I'll just edit as they come to me :) Any insight/opinions would be fantastic.

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Jedi are the only other profession beyond crafter that has the ability to craft something, and that is a lightsaber, but mining ore can be done by anyone. So, anyone can use harvesters. Space mining requires a ship with a cargo hold and a mining laser. Ask people in game for instructions of running macros. If you are doing the entertainer profession, you're going to be too busy to do beast mastery because you work on tips alone.


Most people have both a combat character and an entertainer, but since, you're on a trial account you can't have more than two characters.


Also, you can't level past 25 and unlike paying members you can only take one terminal mission for xp instead of two. Ten terminal missions each day will give out a huge xp sum that will level your character along side the missions for combat characters.


Entertainers, simply need a macro and a free computer for long hours of grinding. You won't be able to give out buffs until level 80, though, so don't expect tips.


I'm sure you've already seen the invasion videos I posted earlier, so I won't get into that. Anything else? Oh, yeah communication.


Each side Empire/ Rebel on a Server will usually have a ventrilo channel for everyone to use, but the game also comes with a built in comm system that is pretty convenient, if you ask me. Let me know if you need to get that set up. If you were on Chilastra, I could talk you through it, in game.

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Thanks for responding! :D


Hmm. So is voice chat the only option? The other MMOs I've played have had a "global" or "world" or whatever channel where anyone on the server can chat back and forth (with text). Oh well. If so, I'll adapt. Voice is great for PvP but I'll stick to my FFA server in AoC for that :p


Appreciate knowing what exactly the trial limits are :) At 20 bucks though, I'm definitely tempted to just go ahead and buy. Still, I want to play a little bit more to make an informed decision. ^_^


I guess maybe I'll just go with the combat entertainer/beastmaster template I found on the main forum, see how that treats me.


Also...no answer on the merchant tents? If I could manage to buy one from a trader who makes them, could I conceivably use it? (As a non-trader, of course).

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If by merchant tent you mean the npcs traders spawn that act like stores, no only traders can do that. If you're referring to mining, do space mining if you're not a trader it is easy to earn credits or get complex machinery when you have the hard to get materials for certain things, like vehicle repair kits.

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