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Anyone willing to help with some mod issues?

Darth GSJ

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Hello, I'm trying to get a few different mods to work together.



the Bastila Skin mod by Svosh,

the k1 robe mod by Prime,

the Jedi Mission mod by Red Hawke,

the Ultimate Sound Mod,

Weapons of the Old Republic,

the Freckled Mission mod by Eleazar,

the Revan Items mod by Chainz,

and last but not least Shem's Sith Korriban Student mod.


I have a few questions.


1.Can anyone find a way to get these to work together. I seem to have a ton of conflicts with the 2.da file, basically being overwritten and the results being weird and not at all what was intended. Then when I try to delete the files and restore the previous override folder I get alot of crazy glitches and problems.


2. Is it possible to mod the game so much that even when you delete your override folder it still doesn't work right? Is there a point where you should just reinstall?



I am not a modder (I am completely lost in Kotor tool) but any help getting these mods to work together would be worthwhile.

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[1]Well, if any mods your using just contain .tga files, these shouldn't be conflicting, unless you add another tga with the same name to the override folder. The easiest way to merge 2da files is opening both the current one(or a fresh[unchanged] one from KT), and the edited one, and changing the fresh one so it looks like the edited one. However, it might be best to stick to mods that either use the TSL Patcher(which just makes edits to certain file types, and is custom to each mod - and it is used for both games), or pick and chose mods that don't conflict.


[2]Easiest way to know you want to reinstall is, of course, you get a lot of unwanted results in the game(even if the game doesn't crash). Or if the mod edits the dialogue.tlk, or any of the module files.

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My Jedi Mission mod has no 2da files in them, just FYI.


But yes 2da files are the bane of end users, unless the mod maker has used the Patcher program for mod installation, some of the older mods will not have this so some understanding for their age needs to be there as the patcher was not always a tool we had. ;)

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