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Chronicles of James Vreson, hero of the colapsing republic

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Chapter one: the Gang



who would have thought that james vreson would be outrunning the dark lord of the sith, in onderonian orbit? not me.




1 year ago


"chancellor korpus announced earlier today that the sith empire's leader general sullier has been captured. 'the war is over' says korpus. 'all members of the sith army should go home or risk being fired upon.'"

the holovision turned off.

"like we care."

James Alexander Vreson jumped into his speeder and drove into the coruscant streets. the ichien bith band playing on the radio.

"hello, vrelsk." said James

"if it isn't the smellie one. where's the money you owe me?" said a trandoshan who dropped into the passenger seat.

"oi, i saved you from that incident with the dealers, we are even. dead even."

" i hate you human."


james and Vrelsk grabbed thier blaster rifles. Vrelsk fired first. the red bolts hit the cannon of the police speeder.

"V. take the wheel."said James. James jumped into the back seat and threw two adhesive grenades at the spires infront of the pursuing speeder. the electric blue web caught the pursuers as James and Vrelsk drove off to the underlevels.


they came to a small warehouse.

"shortie, you are'nt allowed her no mores." said a black haired man.

"c'mon gurg, i will buy you a new blaster. nice one, not any czerka, a nice Arkian design. i'm sure V has a good one."

"i'm jokin boss."

"i know you are mandalorian punk."

"boss. shima wants to talk to you."



Shima had the biggest physique out of the gang. his fedora symbolized him as the boss.

"how much we make today between the dynamic duo?" asked shima.

"well i picked up about 270 creds, and V hustled 530, makin round 800."

"good night's catch."


a rusted T3 unit stood in the bar.

"c'mon T."

"beep-blloop, wrrr." said T3-M9

T3-M9 brought out a hot dog. another day in th life of|James Vreson

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