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Old Timer Needs Console Help


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Hello, I'm Rose, some of you who played three or more years ago may remember me.

When I used to play on MP, I had several different names with different binds. I could change between the names using the command /exec 'profile name', I used numbers, so it'd would be /exec 1, and it'd bring up that profile. I've forgotten the command though used to write profiles so I can use exec to bring them up. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.


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Well, you could use "writeconfig 'configname'" but that's got all your settings and stuff, not just your name. I would think the easiest thing would be either to write some binds into a config file, or make a config file for each name. For instance, making a text file named "1.cfg" with 'name "name you want here";' in it and then using /exec 1 for that one would work fine.

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