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A Whole New Item


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EDIT: I am an idiot, I posted this in modding requests, extremely sorry... Moved to Holowan -- j7


Hey all, I've recently been getting into modding Kotor mostly just changing around models and skins and fooling around, and I have a question about making a totally new item.


I've been changing around the model of a classic blaster rifle and successfully got it into the game, BUT I cant seem to get a totally new item where only that rifle is using the new model and the regular rifles are still using the original.


I messed around with the model, exported it, read and wrote it with mdlops, changed a .uti and extracted it, and renamed them all to w_blstrrfl_088 but when I place them in the override the model does not change any of the blaster rifles or the one I want.


Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

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Well, it depends on how you name the mdl/mdx files first. It has to be identical to other filenames, though its number doesn't have to be. If the model you want is a blaster, you can set it to the "Blaster Rifle" baseitem(in the dropdown box - if it isn't already), and thus it would have to be named such as "w_blstrrfl_88.mdl/.mdx"(which you already know). You'd also need to have the "Model Variation" set to 88, just like the model files.

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Which drop down box are you referring to?




Where would i set the "Model Variation" to 88


Sorry, I'm kind of new to this


You'd have to open the uti file with Kotor Tool(going to File->Open Gff files). Which opens the item editor, and there you'll find what you need to edit. Oh, and something I forgot - you also need to change both the Template ResRef and Tag boxes to what you used for the uti itself.


Also, you'll need a icon for the item. Simply name that tga "iw_blstrrfl_88". Otherwise, you'll just get a white box. Its not as needed, though it is easy to make(just taking a screenshot in your modeling program and cropping that down is fine).

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