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spawning problems


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i want to spawn a metal box in the first room on the endar spire on the other side of the room from the beds and i looked at the tut in the scripting section on how to do it but i cant get it to work - i have tried a few different thing but what i have now is


//note this code allows for re-entry as-is,

// you should only attach it to a dialog

// that you know will only fire once.

// To prevent re-entry in a more general sense, see tk102's notes in the next post

void main()


vector MyVec;

MyVec.x = 15.30399f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 1.

MyVec.y = 27.74450f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 2.

MyVec.z = -1.27500f; //Here is where you add the 'whereami' cheat coordinate 3 (elevation).

float r = 0.0f; // This is where you set the orientation of the placeable, set in degrees.


object oLocker = CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "metalbox099", Location(MyVec, r));


CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker);

CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker);

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker, 2);



which was from redhawk's part of the tut

i attached it to trasks dialogue and nothing came up

its the first time i am doing it so i have no clue

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Assuming you copied the script right, which it looks like you did, did you put the actual placeable utc file in the override?


Also, double check your coordinates.


I find the second script easier for spawning placeablesL

void main()
object oLocker=CreateObject( OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, "footlker099", Location(Vector([color="Yellow"]0.00,0.00,0.00[/color]), 0.0)); 

CreateItemOnObject("g_w_lghtsbr05", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g_a_mstrrobe01", oLocker);
CreateItemOnObject("g_w_sbrcrstl04", oLocker, 2);


Where the yellow values are your x, y, and z corrdinates following by your orientation in degrees.

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i attached it to the - "so grab you gear..." line which i checked and i am pretty sure that he says that specific line no matter what


ok - i cant get it to work - how do i go about doing this without scripting?? - or is scripting the only way

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