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Force unleashed 2 pc version has bugs...


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Well crap, I may owe those who play these games on PC an apology! I had no idea these things were in there. Very impressive.


Can a gamepad be used with these games, and if not, can the be modded to do so? Further, can they be modded so that the button presses in the interactive cutscenes correspond to the buttons on the gamepad rather than the keyboard?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings, everyone!

Work on sabers reflections brought me to the dead end, I must confess..


Never the less, here's the link to wet clothes effect fix:http://www.moddb.com/mods/star-wars-the-force-unleashed-2-wet-clothes-fix


Hope you'll enjoy, and

May the 4th be with you ;-)

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