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Beyond the gentle promise

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Title : Beyond the gentle promise.


Pairing : None, or maybe an unrequited DSF Exile x DSM Revan...I don't know.

It depend of some point of view.


Summary: Let us forget about tomorrow to forge our own memories.

And don’t forget about the days when you thought “Goodbye” was a lie.


Chapter One : Childhood, Memories of tenderness.


(Author note: This is before Revan and the exile enter the Jedi order, it happen somewhere on a planet in the Unknown Regions.)








You're just a piece of trash.


Disappear impure thing.


She can hear them, loud and clear. Even now as she lay down, beaten by other kids.

She wish she could do something about it. Fight back perhaps, scream, anything!


They left her there, with bruises on her skin and scars in her mind. Tears were flowing from her innocent Green eyes.


Whatever it was a coincidence or fate.


Whatever it was an illusion or reality.


At that moment, when silver orbs were staring inside her soul, everything was bound to change.


First scared, she thought it was another kid who would beat her to death again.


She closed her eyes in fear, waiting for another unfair judgment, when...


All she could feel was a gentle and strong hand on her head.


"Are you hurt somewhere?" The young black haired boy asked.


"Huh...?" The young golden haired girl was confused, yet she shook her head as an answer to her new acquaintance.


Still she was in doubt.


"Aren't you going to...hit me?" asked the blond girl.


The black haired boy was surprised.


"Why would I hit you? We just met."


Her eyes widen. He was worried about her and he wasn't going to hit her!


For other people it would seem normal but for the blond Girl, this was far from being normal. It was luxury.


"You seem very happy all the sudden..." observed the black haired boy.


Indeed, her face was bright and her smile covered her whole face.


"Huh?...Oh...He he he, yeah I'm fine now ! Because you said you wouldn't hit me and you were worried about me, so it make me feel great!"


What a delightful smile...


The black haired boy couldn't help but marvel this beautiful smile.


It was as if this girl could light up anything dark just with her smile.


Bright like the sun.


"You're welcome...Miss...?"


"...I...I don't have a name..." replied the blond girl.


"You don't?"


The blond girl shook her head slowly.


"Then...would you allow me to give you one?" Asked the black haired boy.


Her eyes widen once again.


"You would?"


"Yeah, from now on your name is Satele." Answered the black haired boy, rather proud of the name he just found.


"Satele...My new name...'giggle' thank you." Her gentle and innocent smile has bloomed like a flower.


Usually he would have found that smile really annoying, but there was something about this girl that made him reconsider.


"By the way, what were you doing here all alone?"


Suddenly Satele fell into silence, many question began to cross into her mind.


What would he do or say if I told him that I can move things without touching them? Would he hit me too? Would he hate me too? if he does I...I...


"If you don't want to tell me, it's okay." replied the black haired boy.


"But you'll have to do something in exchange!"


"Huh? Wh-What do I do?" asked Satele.


The black haired boy began to stand up and took the blond girl's hand. He was also looking elsewhere with a small blush on his face. Though Satele didn't really notice that her new friend was embarrassed.


"You'll have to play with me."


Satele's green eyes widen and replied with a big grin.


"Of course!"


Hours were flowing, neither of them noticed that it was already this late.

The black haired boy told Satele that he had to go home.

He was about to leave, However... Satele was grabbing the boy's black shirt, her eyes were hidden by her golden hair but he knew they were probably full of tears.


"If you go then we won't meet again..."


"Why? We can still play another time."

Said the black haired boy but Satele was rather stubborn and replied :


"Yeah I know, but...I wish we could stay together much longer..."


He didn't know what to do, he didn't want to let Satele alone but he had to go back...


"Then let's make a promise." said the black haired boy.


"A promise?" Asked Satele.


"Yeah a promise. We'll meet again here tomorrow and beyond, because I'll marry you.




"My parents told me that if you marry someone, you can stay with that person forever. So even if we became adults I'll stay with you! And If I'm lying then I'll go to hell.

So promise me you'll wait for me tomorrow and beyond."


"...Yeah I promise." Satele was uncertain.


"Even if it hurt?"


"I don't want it to hurt."


"Promise me Satele." the black haired boy was rather persistent.


"Yes, I'll promise." said finally Satele.


"Then we will see each other tomorrow, bye." The black haired boy began to walk away.


"Ah! W-Wait."


He stopped.


"You...I....I don't know your name." replied the embarrassed golden girl.


The black haired boy look back, only to give Satele a small smirk. A very soon familiar smirk. One that Satele never thought she would miss.


"My name is..."


End of Chapter One.


Next Chapter Two : Teenagers, Memories of hatred.



Personaly I don't like this one very much.

Somehow I feel that once again I have just made some trash.

But then again I think that about every fanfictions I create.

(By the way "Satele" is the name of Bastila Shan's descendant.)

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