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Problem to get start JA under Win 7 64 bit and ATi video card.


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I installed JA on my new PC, but I have a problem to start the game. It start to load the game, JA splash screen is appear and stop here. Then a message appears that can not continue. I tried everything what is described in "Crash Fix For Catalyst 10.5+" . I tried even with older driver - Catalyst v. 9.11, but nothing has not changes. Is anyone have idea how to fix this ?

P.S . My OS is Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit, video card is Gigabyte HD5770.

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Yeeee, I fix this problem successfully ! It work! :urpdude:

I use Godfahter`s method who he post in LucasForums > Network > JediKnight Series > Help Center > Technical Help


My kids love this game so I had to figure out a fix. Existing fixes that others posted weren't working. Thanks to all the existing suggestions I found on several sites, plus four hours of trial and error, I was able to figure it out! :)


1. Go to the GLDirect page on SourceForge. Download gldirect5_opensource.zip.


2. Extract the contents. Go to the gldirect5\bin\release folder.


3. Copy opengl32.dll to your GameData folder.


4. Play the game!!


Tested on Windows XP x86 with a Radeon HD 3850 AGP running Catalyst 10.11 drivers...Success!!

Tested on Windows 7 x64 with a Radeon HD 4870 PCIe running Catalyst 10.11 drivers...Success!!


Enjoy! :)



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