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Three scripting questions

Fallen Guardian

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All right guys my first question is if you have two NPCs a and b. B isn't in the module when you first enter. Can you still set a conversation node to only become availabe for NPC A if NPC B is dead?


If the answer is yes my second question would be What is the script that only allows you to enter a conversation node if an NPC is dead.


Third question *whew* all right there is again two NPC's. This time neither of them are spawned when you get in the module. NPC A is spawned by a conversation. Is there a script that would spawn NPC B as soon as NPC A was dead?


Thanks and I'm sorry for the really confusing explanation. Couldn't think of a better way to put.

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1st question = Yes


2nd question = try using global variables. e.g. SetGlobalBoolean() (There is a tutorial in the general tutorials section)


you'd have to use a starting conditional script such as


int StartingConditional() 
 int iResult;

 iResult = ((GetGlobalBoolean("BM_COLLECT") == TRUE) );

 return iResult;  


To set that global use a script such as


void main()
 SetGlobalBoolean("BM_COLLECT", TRUE);


3rd question = Put a spawn script in your NPCs onDie script section e.g.


void main()
         CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, "NPCA", Location(Vector(0.41,-7.05,1.39), 90.0));




Make sure if you use this code that is spawning from a conversation that the conversation can only be spoken once.


Hope I helped



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