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Rogue Leader Gone Gold!

Dagobahn Eagle

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Guest Boba Rhett

*pulls mpg from pocket, removes the pen and drops it into the thread*


Yoink. It's fine to be the first to report it but report it in the right place! :D


P.S. GC forever!

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Guest Boba Rhett

Only 199 bucks compared to the x-boxs minimum price of 300. I have a more important question. :D Were the heck can I reserve one at! :mad: I can't find anyplace that's doing it!

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Guest DS_StarViper

Hey those of u who are getting both,like myself, dont expect to many games from lucas arts on x-box but frankly I think X-box kicks ass in grafics so thats why I'm going to get it to:D

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Guest Luke Skywalker

I cant afford that I have 900 bucks and thats stretching it to that absolute limits. I dont want an Xbox because its M$ plain and simple. I dont support tham never have never will...

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Guest DS_StarViper

one problem I wanted to be some nice good tie interceptors, hey maybe they will have a cheat for that like in the last game, but I still want to play empire

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Guest Luke Skywalker

Same here viper, it would be awsome if there were 2 different civs. The empire and rebels. Then we would get to play as tie interceptors... :D

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Guest Rogue15

my ally is the force, and a powerful ally that is.


ok, here's the levels:



Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron 2

Final Level List (confirmed)


1. Tatooine Training Grounds

2. Death Star Attack

3. Ison Corridor Ambush

4. Battle of Hoth

5. Prisons of the Maw

6. Razor Rendezvous

7. Vengeance on Kothlis (ocean level)

8. Imperial Academy Heist(Steal Shuttle)

9. Raid on Bespin

10. Battle of Endor

11. Strike at the Core


also, we know the name of one bonus mission.


-Triumph of the Empire (Advanced TIE mission)


apparently you need "30 points" to unlock that bonus level.


don't bow down all at once, now!

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Originally posted by DS_StarViper

Hey those of u who are getting both,like myself, dont expect to many games from lucas arts on x-box but frankly I think X-box kicks a(not a nice word there) in grafics so thats why I'm going to get it to:D


It may be awesome in the graphics department...but unfortunatly for you...X-box will have very few games. Mainly because of those advanced graphics...X-box is a hard system to design for...Game Cube ,on the other hand, Is the easiest system to design for in years...

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Guest Boba Rhett
Originally posted by Evaders99

What? The X-Box is essentially a microsoft computer... it will be so easy to port games to it. Probably the only reason I'll get it


As compared to Nintendo's GameCube, which will just not match the X-Box



LOL. That's sad on so many levels. Here are the two prominent ones.


1. So... you buy an x-box to run ported games.... right. good idea...


2. If a game can be ported to the xbox from the computer, x-box games can most certainly be ported to the computer! Works both ways! lol. Which one do you think people will want to do more? :p

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Guest Luke Skywalker



I cant find the full list but theres clost to 75 games in the making right now!

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Guest Sherack Nhar

Have you guys watched the trailer? There's a snippet of a Beggard's Canyon run, just like Rogue Squadron's original bonus stage! I LOVED that level...


Those of you who watched the trailer have certainly noticed the weird musical score... It looks like they want to be Rogue Leader to be aimed at any casual gamers, not just Star Wars fans. It's great!

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Guest Rogue15

ah man, i forgot about racers revenge....that one looks awesome.


i think i'll just save up for a ps2, i mean, cmon, nintendo already has enough money from me, why give them anymore? And besides, with a ps2 i can get the older star wars games such as masters of teras kasi (i heard it sucks, but i don't care), dark forces, jedi power battles, and some more others for cheap. plus, doesn't the ps2 have an internet connection thing? i get sick of playing console games by myself. i think i'll wait and save up my money and buy a ps2 on my birthday. bombad racing doesn't look toooo bad either. i think i'll go interrogate nintendo customer support over email now.

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