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TSL: Black screen on Nar Shaddaa after talking to the toydarian.


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I have this really annoying problem with Nar Shaddaa, everytime I talk to the toydarian when you land, I say my stuff, then it goes to the party screen for about one second, before loading. Then the screen is black, but I'm still playing. If I press escape I'm in the pause menu, and if I save and reload i can see again. I've got two mods installed, USM and oldflash's robes. Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it? Thanks in advance


// C

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Seems rather odd, but I think I have experienced this a time or two. Strange that it is persistent in that one place.... I am not sure if the USM touches that dialog, and I wouldn't think that a robes mod would affect the game in such a way... does oldflash's mod use the patcher? Possibly conflicting .2da's could cause such a glitch, unlikely as it seems.


The game is stable for you otherwise?

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