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Ghost Rider Player Character


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One of my favorite comic book heroes is ghost rider. I thought it would be cool if you could use him in Kotor as someone to take care of the Bad Guys. I also thought that for his ghost rider ability some one could make a force power called force blind or force punish or something like that.


Here he is





and if someone could make him a fiery lightsaber with a skull hilt that would be very nice. Look out Malak, you are next.

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FYI, there are serious limitations for modeling head and body models because of animation issues. The model format is only partially decoded. Weapons on the other hand are less of an issue. That's why you see a lot of custom hilt mods but not heads. The most we've gotten are re-skins and slight tweaks of existing heads.

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  • 2 months later...

Ah but is still possible, as none of it is hard-coded but you would need to do a little exploring in the game files to decode it( along with other things ) this would be very cool but would take a very skilled modder to do so. You could also just make a mask item to make you look like the ghost rider, shrink the original players head then there wouldn't be any clipping issues. As for the armor/jacket, that is much, much easier. Just a little time with kotor tool,3Ds Max(or Gmax) and you'll have it done.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The jacket, sure that's possible. Simply made from the K1 robes. Head however... I seriously doubt it. Even if someone did make the skull, I find it highly unlikely that they'd be able to add flames... for one thing the flames would have to be animated so they wouldn't look like cardboard sticking out of the players head and that is one thing that you'll find that 99.99% of modders here will not mess with...

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