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Global Numbers

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It's common use in Plots, take Bastila's Plot for example... Everytime you are done speaking to her a global number increases by 1 (Don't know which one exactly). So when you enter the cantina on tatooine this number is checked and if it's greater than a certain amount (means you are far enough with Bastila's dialog) her mother will spawn. I don't know if it's like that, but it's a good example.


But the best example for that is the Exchange attention in TSL. Evertime you do something for or against the Exchange the attention increases. If it's greater than 7 Visquis will call.


There are two functions for that:

int GetGlobalNumber([name of Global]);

Gets the Global number and it can be stored in an integer variable



void SetGlobalNumber([name of Global],[Value] );

Sets a Global number to the specified value


Hope that's what you were looking for.



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when you check it, it gets the number that is currently assigned to the name of the number. Example (I like doing that:D):


Name: DAN_JEDI_PLOT Number: 7

int a = GetGlobalNumber("DAN_JEDI_PLOT");


Now the variable a has the value 7 and you can work with that (ie less than, greater than, etc).



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