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My absence


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I have been away for some time, yes. My host has been experiencing the early stages of a psychosis. He can no longer read literature for pleasure, merely for study. Memory lapses have plagued him and for a time I was tempted to leave his body and find a better one. However, he still has potential. As a novelist, he can put forth ideas that elevate him above the hapless victim of poverty he is. I have managed to stabalize his mental condition.


With the few resources he has, he can still write compelling stories about the will to take what is needed and to assert dominance through ideology or action. I intend to post some of his work on this site. They have the potential to equal Star Wars in philisophical context.


In any event, I have returned to contribute. This time, I won´t let my host falter again.

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What if- what if you're just a character your host has made up in his psychosis? :o


Consciousness is a tricky concept. We are what we make ourselves. Identity is something that can be changed depending on circumstance. Whereas I was a dedicated Republic officer and left to lead a nomadic existance because of my experiences in the Jedi Civil War, my host´s poverty forced him to change into someone else. He´s not the same person who left England four years ago.

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I'm just so glad he's back. I need a good laugh.


I hope you will laugh when my host publishes his book, the Change on a luludotcom. It´s the first chance he has had to make a breakthrough. There are many enjoyable experiences to be read of in the story, including violence directed at both men and women.


I will post an example shortly.


From now on I shall not be absent. There is too much for me to do, so many challenges that lie ahead for me here to take up.

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