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Slow Down KotOR for Motion Blur?


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Hi, is there any way to slow down KotOR 1, specifically cutscenes? Say, to make them 2% their original speed?


"Why, oh, why?" you rightly ask. Well, using the Camera Keyboard settings in kotor.ini, I've been able to slow down the in-game camera, which allowed me to do this test:


(This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)


These fly-by shots are the original footage I captured at 30fps, but sped up about 50 times. Each captured frame is essentially a "sample". Blending a bunch of these samples together creates the actual blur, which gives a very film-like look.


Like I said above, I've been able to do this by editing the Camera Keyboard settings in kotor.ini. However, the camera swerving around a character gets kind of dull after a while, and I think it'd be really cool to see this in the cutscenes.


Before, I've been able to slow the walking animation of the PC. I also saw a mod out here that changed the speed of people walking in the streets. In Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast there is a timescale cheat which slows everything down to a minimum of 10%. I don't think there is anything like that in KotOR, so I'm hoping some individual cutscene animations could be slowed down, though I suspect it is a time-consuming process.


The sounds very likely won't slow down, but I can just add that later, so only the visuals would have to be slowed down.


Here's another video showing the effects of motion blur:


(This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)


I've tried to add this motion blur using After Effects myself, but with subpar results (since it has to create the missing samples between each frame by calculation, often creating weird distortions).


Just for clarification, this motion blur is not intended for during gameplay. The actual game is supposed to be slowed down, so I can create video with a film-like blur, which I think would add to the cinematic-ness of KotOR.


This feels like a strange request, just for a bit of blur, but I'm kind of excited about it (if it works), so I'm just throwing it out there. :)

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Well I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to accomplish, but couldn't you just edit the cutscenes themselves? And once again, I'm not sure how cutscenes work, but if you can get the cutscene file into a format compatible with a film editing program like Finalcut, couldn't you just slow it down from there?

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  Dak Drexl said:
Well I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to accomplish, but couldn't you just edit the cutscenes themselves? And once again, I'm not sure how cutscenes work, but if you can get the cutscene file into a format compatible with a film editing program like Finalcut, couldn't you just slow it down from there?


I can do that with the .bik files, yes, but I mean the… other cutscenes, rendered by the game engine. The ones that show Malak on the the bridge of his ship, for example. Or even just the conversations. Basically everything with black bars on top and bottom, except the .bik's.


I'm trying to find a way to slow down the animation so that it is rendered at 2%, or 10% of the original speed.

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  Darth Snard said:
I have a question about the Camera Keyboard thing. Does it work in Kotor II? And how do you add it in swkotor2.ini then activate it in game?


I don't really know about TSL, but for KotOR I edited these entries (which were already present) under [Game Options]:


Keyboard Camera Deceleration=2000.000000

Keyboard Camera Acceleration=500.000000

Keyboard Camera DPS=200.000000

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