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making custom npc's influence-able(TSL)

Qui-Don Jorn

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Hey y'all


Im working on making my custom npc an influence-able character, I've modified the npc.2da and the influence.2da, but I know that won't be enough (it never is).

I am wondering if anyone knows about this, I've searched for threads about the subject and found nothing.

would anyone know what else I needed to do? Or, if you know of a thread that deals with the subject?

Merci Buckets!


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I would think all you'd have to do is global checks within dialog files with different branches accessible depending on global state (global.2da). You would increase/decrease influence the same way by setting the global within a dialog.


Where it might start to become more work is in situations were your normal party members react to you actions and gain/lose influence. You'd have to track down those dialogs and edit them accordingly. That is if your NPC is meant to become a party member.


That being said, if you are replacing a party member you're reusing their TemplateResRef Tag so there should be things in place all ready regarding influence saving you some work.

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  deathdisco said:
I would think all you'd have to do is global checks within dialog files with different branches accessible depending on global state (global.2da). You would increase/decrease influence the same way by setting the global within a dialog.


Where it might start to become more work is in situations were your normal party members react to you actions and gain/lose influence. You'd have to track down those dialogs and edit them accordingly. That is if your NPC is meant to become a party member.


That being said, if you are replacing a party member you're reusing their TemplateResRef Tag so there should be things in place all ready regarding influence saving you some work.




Yeah, I figured it out...Thanks to both of you.


Apparently, that was all I needed. (The 2das), He is in G0T0's spot, but before G0T0 even joins the party, so the game does think its G0T0 sometimes.

He does have unique tag and template resrefs, so,...

I had already assigned the game scripts to his dialog, increasing and decreasing influence..I just didn't really have enough of it,..i.e. small dec- inc, .. so I wasn't really noticing until the influence 2da was in place, and I restarted playing before I got him in the party. So all I need to do now is maybe place a couple more influence dec-inc spots in other dialogs where applicable and he should be good to go..

Im not really sure about globals...?? Not sure I need them. hes getting influenced, it should be fine.

Thanks y'all.

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Ok, the only way to get the influence increases/decreases is if it does go to the G0T0 spot, i.e # 3.

he is being influenced that way,..so I was wrong, but I still don't understand what y'all mean by globalcat checks..lil' confused.

As I have it now, I have the dialog file inc - dec #3,.. so its going to say GoTo is the one getting it, but it goes to my npc,..I turned him "gray" at least from a 76% light side.

It'll just come up as G0T0 on screen.

So what should I do?

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