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Seeking help with gmax mod


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I current been working on a body edit. I have read pretty much every tutorial on this site and a few others. I believe I got all the plugins download to save as a mld.


Main goal why I started to doing the body edit was to increase the bust on the pc mission.


In the winzip you will find:

pfbas.mdl, pfbas.mdx, pfbas-ascii.mdl, pfbas-ascii.gmaxscene



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Which makes me think I might have the wrong plugins. So if anyone could, please PM me about which plugins I need. Just so I can make sure I have them all.




This is the error I was talking about the first time around.


Like I said before main goal is to edit Mission into a more full figured women. While also using the mod: Mission Vao as Darth Talon. Which can be found here. http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/;94765

I have already reworked her skin mod using gimp to give her a more realistic clothing option. Then next plan is try to figure out how to create her belt which haves the flowing leather straps to it and her lightsaber.


(Pretty much aiming for these 3 pictures.)






Thinking once I get back from work I will most likey uninstall gmax and reinstall it seeing if that help clear up the 1st error. (With the right Mld Export file)

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Well, I'm back to give you a update on how it going. Good news is figured out what I was doing wrong and was FINALLY! able to get it to work.




I do think I will go back and try to have the mass of it centered & maybe a little bigger.(depending on how it looks)


This was done using pfbas.mld/mdx original files. The Darth Talon skin and head was done by someone else.


I figured to make a few edits to this body mod. then start on her lightsaber. (However, if you know this have been done already, do feel free post me a link to it, could save me sometime.)


Then going to make a custom robe for her later on. And then the armor she wears in her pictures (I really would like be able somehow get her belt made with the flowing leather straps)


Thanks for your help DarthParametric & Canderis & to the people who wrote all those tutorials that gave me a headache, but it made it all was possible.


If no one mines I will post pictures of the other mods once im done and the download links to this post. (Just give me awhile still really new at this) :D

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