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Squadron Legacy, Chapter 3

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Chapter Three: Rest and Relaxation



“…And after we had completed our intended mission, we returned to the Liberty,” Tyren stated, finishing his debriefing.


Standing at the front of the small cabin on the Liberty, the pilot created a strange contrast with his audience. Tyren was still in flight dress, jumpsuit, harness, and survival gear. His face was dirty from the battle, and his hair was a mess. Opposite him sat several officers, including one army intelligence officer, all in their standard issue dress uniforms, brass buckles shining brightly under the harsh glowlights.


“So, did these fighters have any distinguishing markings?” One particular Navy captain inquired.


“No sir, not that we could detect. They were all older models, and looked like they had been modified. From what we have gathered, they were a derivative of the S-471 starfighter, possibly stolen.”


“Well, we haven’t had any reports of pirates anywhere near that system. Plus, it’s been a long time since we’ve had any trouble with them. Usually at the first sign of a Republic ship, they surrender. I don’t like this, maybe the Mandalorian advances are making them restless,” the Captain observed.


The army intelligence officer spoke up, “Actually, part of our spy network reported about a month ago that the pirates were scouting for new locations to start smuggling operations in the Mid-Rim. We’ve been expecting some activity in the quadrant, we just haven’t been sure where.”


The army officer continued, “As for the asteroid, we’ve encountered several such in the past few years. Right now, the subject is under investigation. All that I can tell you is that there is something old in there, and we’re not exactly sure what it is. It is also made of a seemingly alien composite, which explains why you weren’t able to detect it.”


Turning to an admiral, the intelligence officer spoke again, “Sir, I am going to request that you send a contingent of escorts to that location. I know that you are desperate for ships, especially closer to the Outer Rim, and that you have few to spare. But, this is of great importance. We need to attain some way of tracking that asteroid before we can set up a full scale investigation.”


The silver-haired admiral stroked his short beard in thought before speaking.

“Officer Longstar, you and your department have not given the fleet any indication of what you knew about this system, and its activity. What do you think would have happened to our pilots had we sent them unknowingly to scout a dense pirate base?”


The gaunt intelligence officer lowered his head slightly, and said nothing.


The admiral spoke again, “I will grant you a contingent of five ships at your disposal for one week. After that period, they will return to the Liberty, understood?”


“Yes sir, we’ll have our support ready by then, thank you sir.”


Turning to the pilots, the admiral spoke once more, “K’Aldrin and Carmi, good work. You gentlemen were outnumbered, and in unfamiliar territory. Yet still you managed to outgun the enemy. I’ll be sure that you both get commended.”


“Thank you, sir.” The men said in unison, standing to attention and giving a crisp salute.


“At ease,” The admiral said, returning the gesture. “Get some rest, you’ve earned it.”


The pilots wearily trudged out of the cabin, eager to get some down time. Turning into the hall, they heard the door shut behind them with a hiss. But that didn’t completely conceal the raised voices that they could perceive behind it.


“Whew, I thought we had bought it for sure, all that brass in there, I’m surprised that we got away.” Kohath broke the silence.


“Definitely,” Tyren replied with a slight smile. “It’ll be a sad day if I ever get promoted up out of flight duty, I’ll be the grumpiest senior officer you ever saw.”


“I don’t know, at the Academy, there were a plenty of angry officers. Especially the time that I got the trainer stuck outside the cantina.”


Kohath and Tyren both broke into laughter, remembering the incident.


“Oh yes, that’s right, I had almost forgotten,” Tyren recalled “You wanted to impress that Twi-lek dancer, and parked that ship right in the speeder parking. And then when you went to leave, the engines wouldn’t start!”


Kohath chimed in, “Yeah, then I got chewed out by the alien who couldn’t speak a word of Basic, he couldn’t back his speeder out!”


Tyren was glad to think back to old times at the Academy. He and Kohath had been so full of pride and ambition, accepted to one of the Republic’s most prestigious institutions, next to the Jedi Order, of course. They had been a dashing duo, especially in their dress uniforms that they had always used to impress the ladies. It all seemed so long ago, a part of him wanted it back. But at the time, the Academy was just a stepping stone to becoming a fleet pilot. How wrong Tyren was, the Academy was where he made so many friends, and where he became a man. Tyren felt a slight regret, wishing he had made more of it, and enjoyed it more while he was there.


The pair continued down the long hallway, passing several crewmen, and a few pesky little droids that constantly swarmed the ship.


“Good times, right Kohath?”


“Oh, don’t get all sentimental on me Tyren, I’m planning on having plenty more, as long as you don’t spoil my fun.”


Tyren chuckled again. He was lucky to have Kohath as a wingman.


“Right, as long as I get to do the laughing, and you are the one being laughed at.”


“Sounds doable to me.”


Reaching the elevator, Tyren pressed the access code for the level. A distant humming sounded, signifying that the elevator was on the way.


“Okay, Kohath, I’m going to my quarters, checking duties for tomorrow and hitting the sack.”


Kohath’s cabin was in a different part of the ship, slightly closer to the main hangar.


“Alright, Tyren. Hey, we did good today, thanks for watching my back.”


“Yeah, Kohath, I’ve always got your back, and I know you’ve got mine. There aren’t any Mandalorians in the galaxy that stand a chance against us.”


The elevator door opened, and a senior officer and a lieutenant exited. Tyren stepped in, joining a few others that were already standing in the small compartment. Kohath gave a quick salute as he turned down the hallway, and Tyren did the same.


As the elevator began its trip upwards, Tyren checked his chrono and groaned. He’d been awake almost 20 hours. That and the stress of what he’d been through today had exhausted the commander. He suddenly felt extremely drained, and his eyes began to droop. An early breakfast tomorrow would probably be skipped in favor of a few minutes of extra sleep.


The elevator door opened on his level, and Tyren stepped out. Carrying his flight bag and gear, all he could think about was lying down and going to sleep. Reaching his cabin, he waved his ID at the sensor. The small door slid open, giving Tyren access to his room. His cabin was small, but adequate. It had a small desk, a bunk, and a tiny closet for his wardrobe. It was sparsely decorated, with only a few flight related items dotted across the room.


Tyren closed the door, and dropped his flight gear to the floor. It could wait until tomorrow. Removing his flight suit, he swiftly but wearily undressed. Tyren sat down on his bunk, and removed his fire-retardant socks. Then, he swung his legs up onto the bed, and fell back.


“Ahh, finally!” He said, relief in his voice.


He closed his eyes.


And opened them again.


With a loud sight, he slowly stood up out of the bed, and grabbed his datapad. Tyren had forgotten to check the roster for tomorrow. Jumping back into his bunk, Tyren turned on the datapad. Opening the duty roster, Tyren saw his and Kohath’s names on the duty roster for the escort flight the next day. Rolling over, Tyren reached and grabbed his comlink from his flight bag.


“Ensign Carmi!” He barked.


“Yeah, boss?”


“You better be ready to fly tomorrow, we’ve got escort duty back to Fondor.”


“Actually, the CO just pulled us from escort duty. We’re not on the roster tomorrow, check the latest revision.” Kohath explained.


“Oh, you are right.” Tyren confirmed, spotting the newer report. “Sorry to bother you, good night!”


“Technically, it’s morning…” Kohath started.


“I don’t want to hear it,” Tyren replied groggily as he turned off the comlink.


Hitting the glowlights, Tyren settled back into his bunk, relieved that they would not have to fly the next day, or rather later in the current day.


Tyren was quickly asleep, gently snoring, and getting some well deserved rest.



However, before he knew it, morning had come, and it was time to rise again. Swinging out of bed, Tyren felt very refreshed. Gathering up his gear off the floor, he put his things back in his locker where they belonged. Throwing up his arms in a stretch, Tyren yawned involuntarily. Then, he pulled on a shirt and a pair of shorts, and headed for the showers on his level.


Stepping inside the sterile, white shower, Tyren turned on the hot, clean water. The flow soothed his skin, and he relished in it for a few minutes. Then, he brought out his razor, and began to shave. Once his face was smooth, he continued bathing. After he had finished, Tyren reluctantly stepped out of the steamy shower, and returned to his cabin. Looking down at his chrono, he determined that he did have enough time to make it to breakfast.


Tyren opened his locker, and pulled out a fresh flight suit. Although he was not scheduled to fly that day, pilots were encouraged to be prepared to fly their ships at a moment’s notice.


Flipping his comlink on, Tyren called Kohath to see if the two could eat together.


“Kohath, ready for some breakfast?”


“Way ahead of you Tyren, I’m on my way there now.”


Even though the food on the Liberty was not the best, Tyren was hungry, and his body needed the energy. He wasted no time in making his way to the mess hall. Kohath met him at the elevator.


“C’mon, Tyren. You’re slacking now, used to you were the one always getting me out of bed.”


“Save it Kohath, let’s get some food before it’s all gone.”


The two pilots strode over to the serving line, both grabbing a small tray. Most of the men on the ship had either already eaten or decided not to, so the line was relatively short.


“Kohath, we should update our astrogation charts on our fighters today. The old charts should still be valid for about a week, but--”


Tyren was cut short as a piercing alarm sounded. The whole level was cast in an amber hue as red lights flashed on and off.


“ALL HANDS TO THE FLIGHT DECK!!” a voice shouted sternly over the intercom.


Two grey trays clattered to the floor as Kohath and Tyren sped toward the hangar.



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