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a problem with the short films during game


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first i'v downloaded Grim Fandango and it didn't work well,

i checked how to fix it and i found this tutorial on youtube that shows

how to fix it without downloading anything by right clicking the game icon

and change a few things in the properties.

after i did that it worked great!


but there are little movies in the game once in a while,

and its working a bit slow and it sounds weird... :confused:

i can barely understand what are they saying in those short films.


how can i fix it?

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Make sure to install the game with this:


and launch it with the launcher from that installer. If that doesn't work then try using residual (http://residual.sourceforge.net/).

And it's not really wise to openly state that you downloaded the game even if it is hard to find retail.

This thread also belongs in: http://www.lucasforums.com/forumdisplay.php?f=236 which is for technical problems with the game.

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