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Making an NPC's Action Cinematic


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Hey all,


I was just curious as to how you could make an action that an NPC performs "cinematic"- you know, like letterbox. I want the camera to focus on my NPC, Liana, as she walks in the door, then begin speaking. Here's the original script... I'm not sure if I can do it through scripting since it's probably through the dialogue tree or something, however I might as well.


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void main() {

  if (!GetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 55) && (GetEnteringObject() == GetFirstPC())){

       object oDoor = GetObjectByTag("ess_door01");
       object oLiana = GetObjectByTag("ess01_liana");

       float x= 18.84;
       float y= 20.76;
       float z= -1.27;

       int bRun=FALSE;

       vector vExit = Vector(x,y,z);
       location lExit=Location(vExit,0.0f);
       AssignCommand(oLiana, ActionForceMoveToLocation(lExit, bRun));
       AssignCommand(oDoor, ActionOpenDoor(oDoor));
       DelayCommand(5.0, AssignCommand(oLiana, ActionStartConversation(GetFirstPC())));
       SetLocalBoolean(OBJECT_SELF, 55, TRUE);



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Well, you'd have to start the conversation before she speaks, and just have her say anything at first by leaving the node blank and putting a delay on it; I don't believe you can have something look like a dialogue if it's not actually a dialogue. You might have to mess around with the camera angles to get something you like - 1 focuses on the speaker, 2 is behind the listener's shoulder, 3 is a side view, and these will look very different because she's moving. Since no one's talking, you can mess around with the speaker and listener to get more options, but depending on how the area is set up, you may even need to make your own animated camera.

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Well, you'd have to start the conversation before she speaks, and just have her say anything at first by leaving the node blank and putting a delay on it; I don't believe you can have something look like a dialogue if it's not actually a dialogue. You might have to mess around with the camera angles to get something you like - 1 focuses on the speaker, 2 is behind the listener's shoulder, 3 is a side view, and these will look very different because she's moving. Since no one's talking, you can mess around with the speaker and listener to get more options, but depending on how the area is set up, you may even need to make your own animated camera.


I think the term I'm looking for is a short animated cutscene- however, I'll try this and see if it works. Thanks.

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