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Awesome KSE Reskin - Possible?


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well what i mean is if i say...want to have, for some rediculous reason, zaalbaar as a gammorean, how would i do this, without KSE?



maybe its not a reskin, best word i could find, but i just want to try and make it so its a little funny, running around as a tach or rancor party.

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You want to be able to change appearances of the in-game characters? That is doable by editing the .utc of the character in question. Use KotOR Tool, and use the Creature Editor. Quite simple really :D




You will need to save the new creature and put it into your override. At the same time, you don't want to destroy the original characters unique template. So, make a copy of, say the p_zaalbar.utc, and rename it old_p_zaalbar.utc. Leave this unaltered version in your override if you like, or some other safe place. Then, edit the p_zaalbar.utc with the appearance you like, Alien_Gamorrean01, and save this edited version to your override. Now, when the game renders Zaalbar, it will use this edited version in your override and make it so Big Z is a big pig face.

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Awesome, thanks :D


So, for install would it be placed in the Override folder, or another one?



I feel stupid, but is the Creature editor in Kotor tool or seperate? Either way, I can't find it xD




Found it :p Okay, so i see how it works, but where do i save or...what now, i guess lol



<_< figured it out nvm :p

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