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datacron locations


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I'm going to be blunt which some may find brutal, but it's better to hear it than have no one say anything at all and continue on in ignorance.


It's nowhere near as comprehensive as a lot of other guides I've seen around the net. The other ones are much more detailed in description, have better pictures of the locations and landmarks associated with each datacron... and most importantly, other guides tend to have video guides of how to get each datacron.


In addition, they also mention some of the bugs/difficultires related to each datacron. Currently there are two bugged datacrons on Belsavis, one of which gives you the wrong colour matrix shard. I see you don't have any datacron listings for Belsavis.


The navigation of the site is a little confusing too, you have a datacron section but then you have to go to the planet section and each individual planet to look up info on each of the datacron locations on that planet.


Right now, your guide is nowhere near complete and needs a lot of polishing. Folks would be better off just doing a google search and finding one of the top results or a youtube video to find datacrons.


That said, if you're really interested in making it so and have the time and effort to put into it, you could potentially create the greatest datacron guide out of them all if you really wanted to. Get your sections together properly, have it easy to navigate through, have clear instructions on how to get each datacron, pics to illustrate what you're saying and best of all video guides of each one right there as well and you're set.

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