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Star Wars Q&A Game


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ok heres how the game works: you answer the question of the post just before yours (with an "A:" first to indicate "answer"), and ask a new question for the next person to answer (with a "Q:" first to indicate "question").

the questions can be serious queries about the star wars universe, or jokes for fun. pretty simple, eh?


being first, i will ask the first question. have fun; and keep it civilized!


Q:which is more protective against blaster bolts, stormtrooper armor or eggshells?

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A: probably eggshells.

(happy easter to you too ;))


Q:was anakin the most powerful force user ever?

according to canon he technically was, but you never see him causing force storms like darth nihilius, or blowing **** up like galen marek in tfu.

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