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2 Banana Pickers?


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I've just got the lava flowing into the monkey and have the big U.I.

I went back to the canyon to have another look around when I noticed that another banana picker was highlighted but not actually on the screen. I went over to pick it up (beside the cart, where it was before) and when guybrush picked it up he froze.

I can't move, call up the invitory, escape to the map, anything. But the music is still playing away, so something is working.

I'm ***uming I'm stuck 'cause there are now two pickers in play now.


My last save game was when first getting to MI, so I was wondering if anybody has a save game from where I am (or just before) or if there might be some fix to this.

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Bummers - I feel for you.

I have a save right around the banna picker - But I'm not sure what other items you have in inventory. I also saved right as I came up on beach. I could open that one and go pick up the banna picker for save it and send that to you.


Warning - save and save often..when on monkey island I froze up ALOT. So save constantly on that island.


Let me know if you want me to save with just the banna picker and send it to you.



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