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Force flight


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It is possible to a force user to fly? I saw in wookieepedia that this power exist and it's name is force flight, but i never saw anyone using this. And that is a powerfull and very usefull power that could have change a lot of battles (kenobi vs. maul and anakin vs. kenobi).


Anyone knows any informationg about it?

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Well, it's not a superman like flight, but it is something... And i wonder why they didn't mastered this power, since it is a very usefull one. Imagine anakin flying over obi-wan in ROTS or even sidious flying or gliding when vader throwed him in ROTJ.

It makes no sense that a jedi master like yoda can lift tons of weight but can't fly his light body. And we can also see this in KOTOR when Revan is meditating and floating during his training in Dantooine. Maybe he could fly too...

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