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Brotherhood of Shadow installation, missing files?


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Does this happen to everyone or is it just me? I've downloaded the mod from 2 different places and each time i install it I get 2 warnings in the end. I checked what the warnings were and it seems to be 2 missing files. Should i just ignore that? The update installs just fine without any warnings.



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Tried it a third time and now it installed without complaining about missing files, odd :)

Having a problem with getting it to work with Tatooine Job Office though (using the compability patch) i get these errors (i have BoSSR installed previously)


• Warning: A file named k_ptat17af_enter.ncs already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file...

• Warning: A file named k_ptat18ac_enter.ncs already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file...

• Warning: A file named n_grodian_comm1.lip already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file...

• Warning: A file named n_grodian_comm2.lip already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file...

• Warning: A file named n_grodian_quel.lip already exists in the Override folder. Skipping file...


maybe it's not a problem? Another thing that, most likely, is a problem though, when installing the patch for BoSRR (from the readme):


"Then you need to navigate to your Kotor 1 Overide folder and find the file




and rename it to




There is no file called k_ptat_17af_enter.ncs in my override folder so this step isnt possible.


Would be really cool to be able to run both of those mods, so i'm very thankful for any help.

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The two "k_ptat" files are definitely going to cause problems. The last 3 are just LIP files, only affect lip synching and are probably the same files.


If the TSLPatcher says k_ptat_17af_enter.ncs is already in the override then it has to be in there... try looking through the folder manually and after that, if you can't find it, use the search function.

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Ah, seems like the search function was messed up (like usual in Windows7), it didnt find anything in the folder (or on my entire computer, tried that too). But i just looked for it manually now and it's actually there.. Been having a lot of problems with the search in Win7.



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