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whats the point of this!?


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We would like to help.. really!


But since almost all of us are just users ourselves, and are not affiliated to LucasArts in any way, our knowledge of the technical issues for EMI is limited, at best, so we can only reply to the problems we know how to fix (which aren't that many), or try to make some suggestions.



Dancing_Monkey.gif Energizer Bunny arrested, charged with battery.

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yes i know, your right... i gues i'm just mad that after all this years of waiting, i finally get EMI, but look waht it says on the Tech help info, post your problems and WE will help you... hows that WE? know one comes to check our problems anyway...



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i looked at your last question u asked on here for help, 6 in the morn today, and u are already complaining because no one gave i an answer in say, 8 hours. thats pathetic, it would take the experts at LEC at least a week to help you, calm down man, ur beginning to become bothersome.


this is the EMI help forum, not the, "i didnt get my way fast enough so ill complain" forum.


i'll admit it cna be frustrating if a game doesnt work, i myself am experiencing that with unreal tournament GOTY, but i didnt go bother people on thir fourum non stop till they got sick of me, i called the company and asked for tech support, maybe u should try the same.





While in the shower i came up with a really good signatue, but i can't remember it anymore.

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and just for the record, it wasnt 6 in the morning since i'm from the other side of the globe, the time here right now is 13:10 in the morning where i am,



[This message has been edited by NiKo (edited December 30, 2000).]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glory box:


>... u are already complaining because no /one gave i an answer in say, 8 hours. thats pathetic, it would take the experts at LEC at least a week to help you, calm down man, ur beginning to become bothersome.<


No way,man. I'm with incognito. we're paying customers, not bug testers. I wouldn't mind waiting for a reply because of an error caused by a peculiarity of my computer, but look at the problems in this forum. Look at the errors which the patch fixes. Many people can't even complete the game without the patch, because puzzles can't even be solved. I've downloaded the patch, but still have the chess problem [Thanx for advice on this guys].


If a problem is my [computer's] fault, they can keep me waiting all they want, that's fine. If it's their fault, I've paid my money, and the goods aren't fit for intended purpose.



1 000 000 disappointed fans can't be wrong.

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I thought the point of this forum was for us 'customers'to get technical help from others with the same problem.I was also under the impression that if enough of one particular problem cropped up it would be an indication to whatever tech checks this board

that something needs to be checked and looked at.

I'm not sure if EMI is more or less bug ridden than most.Perhaps you real experts can tell me this.Is this the most bug ridden game you have ever played?Or do you know of worst games?Is it just about average?If you were writing a review for a gaming magazine what would your summing up be?

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I think EMI is really bad, bug wise. I had a couple of them, and one that wouldn't let me finish the game. However, the patch solved all my problems. I haven't played too many computer games though, so I don't know how this stacks up to others. I do know of one worse though. It's another LEC game, Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. After playing it for about 5 minutes, it would freeze. Other times it would directly crash my computer. Indy got stuck all the time while the game was still running. It was the most frusterating experience I have ever had with a computer game.




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Originally posted by Chucky:

Glory box:


< we're paying customers, not bug testers...

...If a problem is my [computer's] fault, they can keep me waiting all they want, that's fine. If it's their fault, I've paid my money, and the goods aren't fit for intended purpose. >



EXACTLY!!! I totally agree with you. It's really annoying that we have to pay so much for a game that simply doesn't work properly! Out of all the games that I have bought (including the previous Monkey Island games), this is the only time that I have had major, MAJOR problems!


If things don't improve SOON... I am tempted to get a refund or an exchange for another game!!!



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