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Helping B-4D4 and T1-N1


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Remember B-4D4 and T1-N1?

They're the two Czerka droids in Telos.

Your choices may make them leave Czerka and if so, they can be found at the Telos Dock module, waiting for a ship to Nar Shaddaa.

What if you could actually help them?

You could make them come with you. They would then reappear in the Ebon Hawk (after you find the ship, of course). They would stay at the Ebon Hawk until you drop them off in the smuggler's moon.

You could then sell them to Kodiv or give them to Tienn to help him around. You could also sell them to the droid warehouse in the Docks in Nar Shaddaa (you could trick the droid that refuses to buy droids from you into buying them.)

What do you think?

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