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is there anyone who's played EMI and it hasnt had bugs in it????


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I've just been reading through some of these posts and I can't believe some of the major probs people are having, bug wise, when I played it I didn't have any bugs at all, cept for 1 part in the game (during the diving comp) where the background went all multicoloured and it was speckelly, but I dunno if that was the computer or not, coz after reloading the game it was fine or if the screen changed angels the screen was fine- and when I was doing that part my brother had been playing Might and Magic8 before hand and that really stuffs the computer up, so I assumed it was just the computer itself and not just a bug, but I've since tried it and nothing has happened, so I'm confused


Anyways, I'm trying to say has anyone played EMI and NOT had any bugs in it? coz it's pretty much a ripoff if everyone has had bugs in it, I would feel like I want my money back (and especially since it was $85 Australian I can't help but feel ripped off for what it's worth)



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I didn`t have a single bug. Oh, but at the harbor on Lucre Island, Guybrush is nearly invisible, and during monkey combat, there`s a weird walking sound all the time in thew background. But those are just small bugs. Am I lucky?



Guybrush: Can i call you Bob.

Murray: You may call me Murray, the all powerful demonic skull. Bmwhahahaahahaa

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Bugs? Yup! Biyyluns and billyuns of 'em. Okay, just a few, but they're major ones. Here are a few:

1. Left-Right arrow keys don't always work when turning Guybrish.

2. Can't always scroll thru all the text selections. Many times, it jumps from first to last and back again without highlighting the ones in between.

2. Walking sounds when no one's nearby. Not a biggie, though.

3. Trying to use the terminte-infested hand on Ozzie's cane prompts the store keep to repeatedly say, "With what?"

4. At swamp, my questions overlap the answers (with 2 Guybrush's).

5. At swamp, talking to Guybrush on other side of gate - and when trying to open/unlock gate - Guybrush sets pole in water, picks it up and repeats this action. Nothing else happens.


The v1.1 patch corrected nothing.

Any dieas on how to handle this...aside from replacing my PC?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Dr._Threepwood

I had a bug from overloading the computer then a message came up and said "congrgulations you found a bug" and every thing was in slow motion so I restarted the computer and everything was fine after that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have pirate copies of MI4,but i have just 2 little bugs!cool!

1:When i go to the pirates who are plaing chess they are insulting each ather but i dont hear what they are saying!

2:When the cheff kicks me out of the kichen and i leave the lua bar,when i go in the lua bar i hear cheffs vois saing get out of my kichen!

I dont have any problems!

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If you have pirate copies then you deserve bugs!



If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is"God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is "Probably because of something you did."


-Jack Handey-

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