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Towers of Hanoi - Korriban


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I did play it back in school, when I was bored as hell. I can't remember the rules of the Kotor version. But I'll try to explain the general method of the original game. Maybe you can figure it out by yourself then:


You got a stack of Rings laying around a pole. Each ring is of a different size. The rule is simple: You'll only be able to transfer a ring to another pole, if there is no ring or a bigger ring below. Now you need at least 3 poles to make it work to transfer all rings. Say, you'll have all rings on the 1st pole on the left and you'll want to transfer them to the right.


Start with to smallest ring. Transfer it to the 2nd pole. Now take the slightly bigger ring from the 1st pole to the 3rd pole and put the smallest ring on top.

You should have two towers. One big tower on the left and one small tower on the right.


Now Take the next ring off the big tower. Put it onto the empty pole. Now you have to rebuild the tower on top of the ring you just moved by splitting the small tower. Put the smallest ring from it onto the big tower to the left and the ring below the smallest ring on top of the new ring and the smallest ring on top of that ring. You should now have two towers. One on the left (1st pole, Start tower) and one in the middle (2nd pole, new tower).


Proceed with all rings left on the start tower. Move the ring on top to a new pole and rebuild the 2nd tower.


I hope this helped you a bit in finding a solution. I can't remember how it was exactly on Korriban, but this was the method I used for the original game.


Greetz Fastmaniac

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