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Lost save games


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I lost all my save games and really would like to finish the game. I just arrived at Korriban, so anything close to that would be great. I would then change it with the save game editor so it would be close to my old save and finish the game.


Or can I use the save game editor to create a game at Korriban? But I still would know, how strong my characters should be at that time of the game and which items are fair to have, so I real save game would be great!!!!


Thx for the help!!!

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Thx jonathan7 for the quick response :), I did post this also on steam and never got an answer. It's KotOR 1, I will check the Click Me thread, but it would be cool to get the Korriban save game you are talking about.


Looking forward to finish the game and get started with KotOR 2. Yeah, you maybe wonder, if I live in the past, but I have just recently stumbled upon the game and realized that it is really so good ;)

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