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Hello guys. What mods do you guys recommend?


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Hello everyone. Are there any solid, decent mods you guys should recommend trying out for TSL and Kotor? Like, is there anything else here or elsewhere other than the sticky thread which I've read and the handful of WIPs? I don't know if I should play modded skyrim, or Kotor. I played Kotor and TSL vanilla (well, not exactly vanilla, I played with TSLRCM 1.8.1) last year when I bought the complete collection for christmas last year (Kotor and TSL). So.. anything you guys recommend? I kinda have the urge to play Kotor and TSL again, I don't know, lol.


Oh, and I have been to this site before, but I haven't posted much (join date 2010 :p). But I have visited this site at least 1-2 times a year to see what's going on here. Oh, and is this the right section? Sorry if it ain't, this forum is a bit confusing.

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  D.a.r.t.h said:
Hello everyone. Are there any solid, decent mods you guys should recommend trying out for TSL and Kotor? Like, is there anything else here or elsewhere other than the sticky thread which I've read and the handful of WIPs? I don't know if I should play modded skyrim, or Kotor. I played Kotor and TSL vanilla (well, not exactly vanilla, I played with TSLRCM 1.8.1) last year when I bought the complete collection for christmas last year (Kotor and TSL). So.. anything you guys recommend? I kinda have the urge to play Kotor and TSL again, I don't know, lol.


Oh, and I have been to this site before, but I haven't posted much (join date 2010 :p). But I have visited this site at least 1-2 times a year to see what's going on here. Oh, and is this the right section? Sorry if it ain't, this forum is a bit confusing.


Hey pal, it would be unfair for all the talent I've seen in all those years, if I would just state the names of our veteran in the hall of fame of KotOR series modding. If you want only the most popular mods in K1 and K2, go to knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com and use the search filter to "user rating" and "descending".


But if you want good mods, here in this community we make nothing else than solid, decent mods and most final version are in the Taris Upper City Emporium section. Also, if you really want to fully appreciate the gain of TSLRCM, try TSL vanilla and you'll see the difference.


KotOR vs Skyrim is not comparable, as Dragon Age is not to KotOR or Max Payne to Jedi Outcast. It's a battle in your heart for what you prefer, more recent engine, very strong storylines, kissing the bride, killing bad guys, making mods, adding mods to heat up your GPU and CPU. It's all up to you, but I can tell you one thing, I really love Dragon Age, Max Payne 1 - 2, Jedi Outcast, Skyrim and GTA 3- VC-4 and I still comeback to KotOR each time I have the chance. KotOR is cheap on your GPU/CPU and it's easy to mod it, because here we have a solid community that kept me interested in the game for 9 years, almost a decade. So last year when I saw this game in super pack, I've bought it for the old times, that's my romance with this game.

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Hey, thanks for the reply and for the tip about kotorfiles. I've never actually explored it to its full extent so.. yeah, I'll do the sorting thing you mentioned. And I haven't checked the Taris Upper City Emporium section either that much, thanks for that as well.

And you're right about Skyrim, it can basically eat your PC if you aren't careful, and with the load orders and load orders, and more load orders, and compatibilities, Agh! So complicated. One time I destroyed my Oblivion game when I put too many mods in it. :(

And I really like all the work modders have done here, I've checked many screenshots and it all looks so cool.

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Well, I would like to have new items. Especially in the first kotor game, since it seems that there are so few items and item types to find. I don't really like new force powers, since those are fine in kotor. TSL isn't a problem since it has the workbench and lab station that you can use and modify stuff. I know there's the Red Hawkes workbench mod for kotor which I tried myself a couple years ago. Maybe I should try that agian. But I don't think it adds items, does it? And I would also like to refresh the look of the game so is there any graphical overhaul mods? Like those that change the whole game. If there aren't any I can do with downloading them separately.

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  D.a.r.t.h said:
Well, I would like to have new items. Especially in the first kotor game, since it seems that there are so few items and item types to find. I don't really like new force powers, since those are fine in kotor. TSL isn't a problem since it has the workbench and lab station that you can use and modify stuff. I know there's the Red Hawkes workbench mod for kotor which I tried myself a couple years ago. Maybe I should try that agian. But I don't think it adds items, does it? And I would also like to refresh the look of the game so is there any graphical overhaul mods? Like those that change the whole game. If there aren't any I can do with downloading them separately.


Both vanilla KotOR has workbenches in game, without giving you spoilers, just look a little and you could stumble one it. As for items, both games has many good and powerful items that can be bought or obtained via role play. If it's not enough, go to knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com or Deadlystream.com and you should get some cool items.

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Yeah, I know. Lol, I thought that the filefront site was lucasfiles, as in the LF network's own file hosting site. My mistake. How does one even get into Lucasfiles, anyway? What's the URL? I've been there before, but can't seem to find it now.

I will go and check out mods on my own now as this site has lots, and filefront. Oh and I forgot deadlystream! Very cool mods over there too. But I prob. won't play the games until next week, or after christmas as I have a huge geography project to do now. And other school related stuff.

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  D.a.r.t.h said:
Yeah, I know. Lol, I thought that the filefront site was lucasfiles, as in the LF network's own file hosting site. My mistake. How does one even get into Lucasfiles, anyway? What's the URL? I've been there before, but can't seem to find it now.

I will go and check out mods on my own now as this site has lots, and filefront. Oh and I forgot deadlystream! Very cool mods over there too. But I prob. won't play the games until next week, or after christmas as I have a huge geography project to do now. And other school related stuff.


LFs is down for maintenance and I don't know how to access it. I had files on it, but don't remember what :D

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Do you think it'll come back? I never checked it extensively, though it had some stuff in there. Maybe it's down for maintenance... because maintenance costs? You know, with the reduced traffic this site's receiving, it can't really be that cheap to host it. I did read the announcement of rebuilding this site, but I don't how far that has come.

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