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Darth Hayze

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So when I open the text editor in KT and tell it the script is for K2, I getthis error:


Value cannot be null.

Parameter name: item.


This happens both when there is a script open and when there isn't. I've never encountered this before, until this new computer.

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It's usually enough for me.

But I don't think KTOOL is really fit for KOTOR2. I use it to sometimes easily check files (like .utc), but always use other tools to get things done, such as GFFEditor.

There's just too many drawbacks to using KOTORTool to modify most things, if not outright not working properly (dialogues).

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I realize it doesn't work for alot of K2 stuff, however, in the past I have had no problem using it on K2 scripts. I prefer it over other methods, because, afaik, it is the only one with a debugger. With nwnsscomp I have to figure out the problem on my own(which I'm getting better since KT taught me how to spot problems.)

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