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JRLEdit - The Graphical Journal Editor

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Well, I'm back with another modding tool! [:D]


This time, it's a graphical editor for the Quest Journal in KotOR 1 and 2. It came about as a result of my seeing a 2005 request for one when browsing tk102's old threads at LucasForums...


I'd like to thank a few people up front:


ZM90: Letting me code the tool while working on K1R.

Varsity Puppet: Critique and banter concerning the tool.

HarIII: Critique and banter concerning the tool.

Malkior: The AMAZING icon he made for the tool! [:p]



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From the Read-Me:

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This tool is called JRLEdit and was created using Perl/TK. It is designed for Knights of the


Old Republic and

it's sequel, Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords.


This tool is designed for easily editing the global.jrl file used by these games to

keep track of a player's quests. With JRLEdit, you can change the following for each




-Strref for the Name



-Plot ID


-Number of quest entries


And for each Entry in a quest, you can change the following:



-Strref of Text

-Percent of Plot XP awarded

-Whether that entry ends the quest


How To Use JRLEdit:


To begin using JRLEdit, you first have to open a .jrl file. You can browse for one

by hitting Ctrl+O or by using the File menu in the menubar. If you've already opened

a .jrl file, then it will be added the Recent Files section of the File menu and can

be loaded from there.


When you open a .jrl file, information about the file's size, save time, and contents

will be added to the JRL Info box. Also, the quests will be added by name to the table

on the left-hand side.


Editing a Quest:


To begin editing a quest, select one from the table. Alternatively, you can enter in

keywords of the quest's name in the search box to quickly find a quest.


When you have selected a quest, the quest's basic information will be populated in the

"Quest Properties" box, and the first entry will automatically be displayed with it's

info in the "Entry Properties" box.


To edit any of the info for a quest, except for the String Reference, you have to

right-click the text you want t edit, which will be replaced with a textbox with the

info inside. Here, you can type in whatever you want the info to be changed to. To

confirm the edits, yu can either right-click the box or hit Enter when typing.


In the event of editing the quest's name, you can either right-click the Name or type

a number in the String Reference box. If you edit with the right-click option, the

String Reference will automatically be set to -1. If you change the number in the String

Reference box, the Name's text will automatically change to the dialog.tlk entry that

belongs to that number.


In either case of editing the Name, the text in the Quest Table on the left-hand side

will be changed to the contents of the Name text.


Editing an Entry:


When you select a quest from the Quest table, the Entry Properties section is

populated with the first entry's info.


You can edit any of the entry data the same way as the quest data above. The only

difference is the entry's text.


Originally, the text is not in an editable state. To edit it, you must right-click

anywhere in the textbox. The background will change to grey, noting that the text is

now editable. To save the text, you *have* to right-click it.




You can delete any quest you want, or just the quest's entries.


To do so, you have to right-click the quest in the Quest table and select the

appropriate option. If you choose to erase a quest's entries, all of them will be

erased, but a "blank" entry will be added, to allow a clean slate for editing that



Should you delete the quest itself, you will no longer deal with that quest or it's





You can add a new quest by two ways:


1). The right-click menu in the Quest table

2). The Edit menu


Either way, the quest will be added under the name "Unknown" and a number. The number

is one more than the number of quests, minus the one being added. The quest's info

will be "blank", and the quest will also have a "blank" entry added to it.


To add a new Entry, you can do it one of two ways:


1). The Edit Menu

2). The first option in the Selectable Entries dropdown box.


If you use the first option, a "blank" entry will be added with the ID set to the

last entry's ID plus 1.


If you use the Dropdown option, you will be prompted for a new ID yourself.


Upon adding a new entry or quest, the new addition will automatically be selected.


Making a New Journal:


You can start over from complete scratch with an "empty" Journal by selecting the

"New" option from the File menu. This will read in the new.jrl file that *should* be

included in the download, and should also be in the same directory as the program.


If you happen to mess up and accidentally save over the new.jrl file, I've included

a back-up version in the new.7z archive in the download for you to revert back to...


Switching TLK Files:


You can switch the TLK file in use by toggling the desired game in the Edit menu.

You won't notice a change in the Quest table, but when you populate a quest's data or

load a file, the TLK lines will be re-referenced.


Known Bugs(Beyond the placement issues that *might* arise):



Plot XP: The xp for an entry, upon being edited and then re-edited, will be 100 times

greater than what it was set to. Don't worry, as this will be resolved upon saving the

file... or should be... *fingers crossed*


Contact Info:



You can contact me in four ways:


1). My Skype: fairstrides2

2). PM at Deadlystream: Fair Strides

3). PM at Lucasforums: Fair Strides 2

4). My Email: tristongoucher@gmail.com



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