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Nice (Whatever)


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When you look at things in MI2 and it hasnt been edited, Guybrush says nice,and then what the thing is. Well, this works OK, but when look at LeChucks Throne, he says: Nice Lechuck`s Throne. I know it doesnt really mather, it just irritated me. Might be other places were this happends as well, but so what, I just wanted to say it. Sorry if this has been written before. I just havent got time to check the whole forum.



Guybrush: Do you know anything about lifting curses?

Murray: Oh Yeah, I know a lot about lifting curses.

That is why I am a disembodied talking skull, sitting on top of a pike, in the middle of a swamp.

Guybrush: You seem bitter.

Murray: I'm sorry it's been a rough day.

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Guest The Feral Chicken

It is annoying, and they really should have edited them all, especially as there are no voices, but they din't, so, basically, who cares?




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hmmmm foe some reason i find it hard to imagine lechuck sitting on a throne....no mather how nice it is...

btw, you guys should know that perfect language isnt very strong in pirates.

foe example, " i be NiKo"....instead of i am NiKo...get my point?



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