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The Secret of Big Whoop! *small spoiler*


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Didn't you see the ending of MI2? That's Big Whoop and it seems like a mirror-world of Booty! Not the slightest resemblance to anything on Monkey. Why do you think the overlooked that one in CMI?


PS! I know I posted something similiar before, but I got only 1 reply. Am I (and the replier) the only ones that noticed?

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If memory serves...LeChuck plugged that hole, in his conversation with Guybrush in CMI, by saying that the underground passage lead from Dinky to Monkey Island. Guybrush was actually on Monkey Island the whole time. As to it's appearence...


I always took the last sequence to be a dream--constructed from Guybrush's memories...and LeChuck's VooDoo, so the visuals are not to be trusted. Haven't you incorperated places and people that you know into your dreams?


Or maybe I missed your point.


[This message has been edited by raVen_image (edited July 07, 2001).]

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No, no I noticed that too, wasn't there something, and I can't remember where I read it or whatever, but someone said that there's a tunnel that leads from Monkey Island to Booty Island, and so when Guybrush and Le Chuck are running around down there, they're running between Booty and Monkey. I might have it all a lil confused or muddled up, but I know I've read something about the two islands been linked together by an underground tunnel somewhere and if that's the case, that explains Malee island, coz the tunnel probably went under there too, but someone can probably clear this up for me






Natty- Part Of The Forums Against Oil Filters

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I was under the impression that the tunnel under Dinky -----------


biggrin.gif this isn't my fortê

maybe this tunnel which leads to the *~¤-Dream World-¤~* that is Big Whoop amusement park or wateva it be is the Secret of MI...?

Did I just ruin it? wink.gif or is it ;P or tongue.gif or :p on this forum... i dont feel like editing it again biggrin.gif



"Yeah, and I bet you helped her defeat LeChuck, didn't you?" Old Man on Booty Island


Why the hell am I not a Three-Headed-Monkey?


"Uh, just a minute?"



"You must have mistaken me for someone else. I am not a farmer."

Guybrush, in sword training


"Yeah, we are getting paid for this, right?"

"How appropriate. You fight like a cow." " You never did know when to use that one."

Carla & Guybrush


"Rum" "Jam" blank stares

"Jam" "Rum" blank stares

"Er, rum and jam. It's an old pirate favorite, everybody knows that."

Men Of Low Moral Fiber (Pirates)


[This message has been edited by SV742617000027LL (edited July 21, 2001).]

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