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drinking contest

Big Ron

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can anyone help me i am really stuck on the drinking contest on the island next to phatt island (in the cottage)i empty the grog that the bloke gives to me into the tree then wot do i have to do i try putting other grog like substances in the mug but he says the grog is a funny colour, do i have to mix a special compenation to geather to make the right colour is so wot colours do i need to use, or is this another read hering in the game


can anybody help me please


thanks bigron


[This message has been edited by Big Ron (edited August 20, 2001).]


[This message has been edited by Big Ron (edited August 28, 2001).]

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this is a tricky one. if i remember right, you have to feed the parot in order to get rid of him.something to do with that parot sign you get at captain cates boat.but i'm not sure, i played it so long ago...




~ if you rewind, you can hear Satan singing a duet with Ricky martin~


[This message has been edited by NiKo (edited August 19, 2001).]

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