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back yet again.....


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This is getting pretty funny I get banned I come back, I get banned I come back this is so fun when I come back and spit in mods faces

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of course, they ban me I will just keep coming back, then my favorite part comes when I get to mock them for being such idiots,hey that moment is now ahahahahahahhaha u stupid mods

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Guest Gamma732

Guys, just don't respond to him like that. He knows he's annoying us, but its our reactions he's feeding off of. Just ignore him and he'll leave (Yeah I know its a cleche :p )

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hahahhahahahahahhahaha dont u get it I will never go away they have banned me four times if I was going to go away I would have been gone by now, but its just so fun annoying u

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Guest Rogue15
Originally posted by xwing guy

You know one of the admins can do a permante ban where your computer is blocked from registering.


that's called rule by fear of force, rather than actual force itself. simply lies that those mods have been giving us.

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guess what has already been done when I tried to get back in the 2nd time it said that my profile could not be recieved,oh and by the way i tried this numerious times, so I changed my ip and next thing I know I'm back in

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Three strikes you should be out. He needs to take a friggen hint.


I offer 2 solutions:


1. Contact his ISP and ban him from this site.


2. Contact his parents and tell them how much he is annoying us


3. Send people named "Guido" to fix the situation

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:bored: :bored: :bored: Yawn...Boaring...get a new job Viper...harass another forum. Your just losing your touch now...It used to make me angry...now I don't care...your just another idiot in the background...come on Viper step it up a bit...your really letting me down...I mean come on a thread about you being back...Nobody cares anymore... :bored: :bored: :bored:
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