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Problem with the Mysts of Tyme


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Okay here's the problem, I come to the gate, I'm on the raft, I meet my future self, but every time I go to either give him/me the key, the controls screw up, and I always either put the key back into inventory, or I pick up the raft stick. I downloaded the patch that's available for the game and wonder if this is what is giving me problems. The game is excellent, but this seems like a built in bug. Please help me if you can.


Chris frown.gif

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I had the same problem.

But my patch is for the spanish version.

I installed the game again without the patch and it worked fine. I finished the game without the patch and without problems, I don't know if the patch solves something or on the contrary...it f***s the gate scene.

Try the game without the patch. It worked for me.

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