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Problem with Ozzi at Lucre Island!


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Please help me out. I have already read older posts but no one helps me out.


1. How do you follow the saw dust Ozzi leaves behind?


2. I have read that you afterwards are able to talk with Ozzi about some loot? This I cannot do, but maybe I arent supposed to do?


3. How do you mix the woodshavings with the home made thing, which btw incl. water and fishsmelling thing?


4. Where to get breadcrums?????


Please help me out because I am pretty much stucked!

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1- Just follow him. But first of all (did you find pete?)

2- go to step one.

3- USE the bottle, I mean, once the bottle apears in front of you push the U key. Use objects with others this way.

4- I'm not english native. What the hell are breadcrums? Doesn't appear in my dictionary.

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