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MI4: Cream of the Crop or shunned worse then MI2?

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Though at first the critics roared about it, Escape From MI is getting some pretty bad reviews now. I for one think it's the 2nd best Monkey Island game ever, second only to the original, which i've played 20-some times. What are your rankings for the Monkey Island series?

Tuybrush Greepwood's Ratings:

1.) The Secret Of Monkey Island

2.) Escape From Monkey Island

3.) Curse of Monkey Island

4.) Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge



~Tuybrush Greepwood~

"Goodbye, horrible adventure game! Ahh, forget it."

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Well, to be honest I *DO* find the no mouse controls of MI4 to be a bit trying, but I otherwise like it. Still, I miss the mouse driven ability to look at every item possible, and instead of a measly few.


Order of my favs?


MI1 & MI3 are tied for first place

MI 4 comes in at a close second

MI 2 comes in last (because it doesn't even meantion MONKEY ISLAND!)


Bob Shrimp

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Originally posted by Bob Shrimp:

MI1 & MI3 are tied for first place

MI 4 comes in at a close second

MI 2 comes in last (because it doesn't even meantion MONKEY ISLAND!)



err... where do you think the carnival at the end of MI2 is... its LeChucks carnival of the damned...




LUA Bar... Whats a LUA?


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It wasn't really the Monkey Island we knew and love, and that was only explained in Curse. I still liked MI2 though. The writing was good.


The only bad review of EMI I've seen so far was JustAdventure's. I thought that was a bad (as in badly formulated) review though (I think the author had previously written an article on how he wasn't looking forward to EMI after it was announced), as the author had seemed to have made up his mind before he played the game. He also didn't know about the 'Page Up/Page Down' keys to change the highlighted option. God, I can imagine how frustrating playing the game without those would be.


Still, he's entitled to his opinion. I just disagree with it on all counts, that's all.

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My ranking:

4 is my favourite: harder than 3, better graphics and yet funny.

1 and 3 second: 1 is a better quest, but without the sound it is not the same

2 on third place: not because it's not a good quest, it's exellent, but from all the others it is the least funny...




Aak Eek Chee for you, from Jojo Jr.!

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My order is:


[*] MI2 - LeChucks Revenge (top-notch puzzles and ending was best ever)

[*] COMI (crap ending but Murray ruled)

[*] EMI (don't like no-mouse control and characters have really dodgy edges but puzzles are fantastic)

[*] SOMI (maybe i should be sentimental about it but this game is just way too short)



I would be happy with any of them if stuck on a desert island though




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Merlin's Chronicle order is as follows:


1. Monkey Island 2: (Great Puzzles, Lots of brand new characters and i loved the ability to move from island 2 island)

2. Curse of Monkey Island: (Great comedy, good graphics and Murray.)

3. Monkey Island: (Good story, story a bit easy though...)

4. Escape from Monkey Island (Like the 3D effect but hate the keyboard control!)

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Guest C Shutt

1-Secret of Monkey Island-Cla<em></em>ssic, one of the best games ever.

2-Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge-Another great game, but a terrible ending.

3-Curse of Monkey Island-Graphically great, but weak story and slightly geeky humour.

4-Escape from Monkey Island-Just terrible. Bad story, moronic attempts at humour, bland graphics and ridiculous puzzles.



"You want me?

Fu<em></em>cking well come and find me,

I'll be waiting,

With a gun and a pack of sandwiches."


-Talk Show Host, Radiohead.


[This message has been edited by C Shutt (edited December 06, 2000).]

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My favourites are as following:


Monkey 1&2 is rated number 1

Monkey 3&4 is rated number 2


EMI and CMI was equally good, and so was Secret and LeChuck's Revenge, but EMI&CMI was not as good as the two first games. Monkey will always be a Ron Gilbert game, he is second to none. (Oh.. how I wish he'd give us the story for his version of Monkey 3)



If only we had as much graphic adventure games as Star Wars Games!!

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Personally I'm suprised that MI2 is getting on the top of some ppl's lists. I mean it isn't that I didn't find it funny, but I felt the "Nice Insert-Name-Here" response you got to just about *EVERY* object or item you couldn't pick up.


Plus, I find the water-colored backgrounds of MI2 to be just too dreary and depressing (Particullarly Scab Island). Not exactly what I want from a Monkey Island game.


As for the ending, it left me unfullfilled, and wanting for something better.


Bob Shrimp



You: What is the Secret of Monkey Island?

Me: The secret is, is that there is no secret.

You: Huh? But what about Big Whoop, the Three-Headed Monkey, and/or The Big Honking Monkey Robot?

Me: Oh *THOSE*. Well you really can't call them secrets now, can you?

You: Huh?

Me: Well everyone knows about them now, don't they?

You: Well I guess...

Me: See, there you go. Since they're not secrets anymore, there is *NO* Secret of Monkey Island. So what has this taught you?

You: Never to spend, $39.99 on a computer game.

Me: Tsk, Tsk, BAD MONKEY!!! *Whack!* Besides, that was more or less a direct steal from an answer to the first Monkey Island game!

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I understand that the whole mi community is split ove r this...


I think mi2 was a LOT harder than the others, some people like that.


However, it wasn't as funny.

Some people prefer humour.


I personally rank them -







IMPOSSIBLE to put one behind another




"So, how di you get up there?"

"Through sheer force of will."


"Oh, alright, it was some of those damn voodoo kids. They found me washed up on the beach and stuck me up here, all the time thinking they were SOOO funny..."

Murray, Guybrush Threepwood

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