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MI4: Cream of the Crop or shunned worse then MI2?

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Guest ZeroXcape

There's a lot of MI2 bashing, but I believe that Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge had the best ending by far.






EMI.com Webmaster


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The order:


SMI - By far the best, humour is top-notch. The first act will always be my favorite part of any game. Meele was beautiful and highly atmospheric. Puzzles were interesting. It had a 'warm' feeling to it.


CMI & EMI - Tie. Interesting, but not as engaging. CMI ruled the high seas with Murray. EMI revisits Meele island, a reason enough for it to be a good game (what happened with the center of the town, the storekeeper etc etc).


SMI: LCR - By far the worst. It's much too serious, bizzare, and some places (like digging the bone) are just morbid. Artwork is also depressing, as is the music. The whole Scab Island is really grim. Guybrush doesn't look like Guybrush. It's an allright adventure game but fails as a MI game.


[This message has been edited by salvius (edited December 15, 2000).]

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I'm surprise that all you people who "didn't like" monkey 2, thought it didn't have enough humour. Actually, I thought it had the most obvious humour of all four games. Here's a list of what I thought was funny...


Sawing off the peg-leg of one of the Men-with-no-moral-fiber (pirates)

Diggin' up the bone of Largo's granddad (he lost his pants - simple humour, but still fun)

Locking Stan in one of the coffins, and listening to what he has to say.

Putting stuff Guybrush found in his pocket, like a dog, a monkey, balloons (cool eyes).

All those silly answers we could choose from:

I'll be back

I'LL be back

I'll BE back

I'll be BACK

The drinking contest...

The bucket'o'mud


heck i could go on forever. I simply loved the game. No humour? I don't get it...

(not that I don't respect your personal meanings though...)

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This is how it goes:


Monkey island 2: Just the best! Best story, great puzzles, lastability, best graphics, wonderful graphics, great humour, best characters, great ending.


Monkey 3


Monkey 1 & 4




"I Trust You About As Far As I Can Throw Manhattan!"

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a note to salvius: when talking about monkey island games, I'd like to make it clear that SMI and LCR came way before CMI and EMI. You said that the first two 'don't classify to be MI games' which is beyond ironic, because they are (and always will be) the definition of MONKEY ISLAND.


I do tend to feel that the story of Monkey Island 2 wasn't really 'tied in' with the actual MONKEY ISLAND, and Curse tried to sort of 'make up for it' which only caused a bad aftertaste in the mouth. The whole idea that Dinky Island is right off coast of Monkey Island and the whole idea of 'let's explain the carnival' were not good additions to the game. I _do_ agree with the fact that Carnival of the Damned needed explanation, but I'd much rather start at the carnival, being a kid and all, and then solve a couple of puzzles that would bring me out into the CMI plot. What they did with CMI, was that they 'cross-stretched' two storylines. While you are saving Elaine from the curse, you got your own stuff to worry about, so the carnival simply leaves the player's mind. I think story-wise, Curse is the weakest. SMI was quite nice, and I think that EMI ties in with it. EMI did challenge the usual pirate setting, and I liked the 'new threat'. However, the idea that fearsome ghost-zombie-undead pirate LeChuck was working for someone is quite bad and does offend the series. The story of LCR is one of the better ones, with great delivery and some of the best MI humour, yet it wasn't as 'whole' in the plot as SMI or EMI.


As far as puzzles go, I think that SECRET carries the best logical approach which creates a very stable medium. It took 2 weeks for me to beat with a couple of friends, and I think that no other Monkey Island game was so well balanced and well-organized. All hints were very subtle and the delivery was excellent. However, Monkey Island 2 was also well balanced. Yet LCR took a much darker and harder approach. I found the freedom to travel between islands quite interesting, yet it made the game much harder. The first game to ever break the rule of 'puzzle rationale' in my opinion was Curse, with a couple of very badly done puzzles. Example would be finding the membership card inside the chicken. That was just a bad puzzle, especially when you consider the 'hint' that came with it. Escape provides a couple of very nice puzzles, although Escape has problems with the item finding. I do write that negative aspect to the cumbersome keyboard interface, because I've missed several useful items on my frequent visits to the stores on Lucre. The skin-trampoline was an example of a bad puzzle, yet I was happy that it was the ONLY poor puzzle in my opinion. Still, Secret wins the puzzle-analisys.


Now I feel like commenting on the graphics, because there was some arguments expressing the inappropriate appeal of LCR. Well, if you think about it, SMI (original) and SMI (256 color) were quite limited by the graphical capabilities of old computers back then. Also, I'd like to point out that SMI (both graphical versions) were groundbreaking in terms of challenging the world of computer games. If you think of it, the only other 'leading' adventure maker was Sierra, and their games didn't look as animated and pretty (LOOM still beats even pretty VGA SQ4!) so I don't think that the graphics of SMI could be analyzed to be less than 'wow'. LCR was an interesting expansion of graphics, yet I certainly feel that the graphics were 'old' for the time. If you look for the 'prettiest pictures', I'd recommend taking a hike to an art gallery, because the actual GAME of LCR is great, but I'll discuss that later. CMI pushed the cartoony nature of Monkey Island to it's fullest, with some of the most mind-blowing cutscenes and in-game animations, that were just 'so darn cute'. For the more serious fans of the series, it was defenately a bad thing, I guess, but I personally enjoyed the game. Sometimes the graphics DID go a bit too far (like Guybrush falling on the cliff, and staying alive, it was just too 'ROADRUNNER' for me) yet EMI still held for a pretty game. Now when you start discussing EMI, I'm not the best person to ask, because I've always disliked real-time 3D (i do 3D as a hobby, but I'm a fan of Pixar's rendered meshes opposed to blocky edgy models of real-time 3D). Yet, I'm happy to announce that EMI does kick it with very impressive visuals. Simplistic, yet powerful, with just enough to show and beautiful citscenes. I find EMI to be as revolutionary as SMI, with CMI going 2nd, and poor good old LCR as the 3rd, because graphically, it didn't do much.


If you're wondering if I'm going to stop, I'll have to say NO, because I want to discuss humour, too. To all those who ever said that MI games had any 'seriousness' to them, I say it's wrong and I have physical proof! From the 'you look more like a flooring inspector' comment in SMI, the game spun out as the most hilarious series to hit the world. Compared to MI, SPACE QUEST is serious! Yet, if we are analyzing humour... SMI seemed very well balanced in the humour delivery. The Insult Sword Fighting was quite nicely done, and original. Some comments of the people were also hilarious, and the idea of cholestorol-aware cannibals was also pretty neat. However, LCR was also pretty well done in terms of delivering the humour. It did appear to me that the whole game was much darker and the most 'voodoo' of all others. Still, spitting at Wally, Stan's 'in the coffin' remarks, and watching Guybrush wear a dress was also quite nice. Yet I think that first two games held this interesting 'subtle' humour. It wasn't necessarily smart, yet it was very 'clever' in it's hints. on contrast, EMI is much more concentrated on the 'three-stooges-like' visual gag. Seriously, 'Make sure this stays on Top' -> 'Hat squishing' was a bit lame. It also didn't invent any new insults, which was kinda sad. Plus, you see much more of Guybrish falling down and hitting his head. Hell, even the funny 'hit that guy over there' joke (where the dart seem to crack your monitor) is based on something you see, rather than something you 'think of'. CMI was in the middle, but I will never forget the pirate song. THe beginnign of Act III is the milestone of the MI games: a really hilarious pirate song. I think that should be quoted everywhere: "A pirate I was meant to be!" and the ending to it was also pretty funny, so I think that just for that CMI gets 2nd place with LCR, while SMI takes 1st, and the EMI takes 3th, although that's not to say I didn't enjoy it.


Therefore, let me draw final lines. The games are incomparable. They were written in two different computer ages: two games was delivered on two floppies each, two were delivered on two cds each. yet I think that what brings the together ultimately is the MONKEY ISLAND humour, which should defenately be kept 'clever' rather than 3-STOOGES, and also the good old characters. I don't have a personal preference, I love all four, and I will buy 5 and 6 and 7, I hope MI won't die like Space Quest did. But when analyzing games, make sure you consider the time and the place those games were created.


I know I wrote a lot, sorry for making you read all that, but I couldn't get it out in a shorter form. Maybe I should go write a book on LucasArts adventures...

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I thought the graphics of LCR were amazing, they were so beautifully done. They were all painted in watercolours and then transfered to computer.


Do anyone remember the bit in LCR were Guybrush falls down a hole or something and he does the comic BIG eyes thing and his hair plus ponytail shot up in the air and spun around, revealing Guybrush to be BALD!


that was great! And the dress bit too.


Is it me, or doesn't Stan talk fast enough in EMI!?



"I Trust You About As Far As I Can Throw Manhattan!"

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Long time no see...


Well anyway, I'll have to disagree with all you people. LCR IS the best MI game, followed by SMI in close second, then CMI and then at the end, the disfiguring, blasphemous, traumatizing EMI.


MI2 had some of the most inventive, I'll have to admit also, hardest puzzles of the three. The game is a pinnacle of good puzzle making and plot development, yet it doesn't take itself as serious as the latter two do. I have enjoyed each and every puzzle in that game, which I can't say for your oh-so-beloved EMI. Puzzles in EMI were just plain boring and pointless, trivial and nebulous, dumb and insulting. The story in the same game is just uninteresting and uninspiring: Power Rangers in the Caribbean.


The graphics of LCR, compared to the crap Commander Keen games Apogee was throwing out the same year were and are incomparable, so don't trash the artwork, it really is great. EMI is outright kitsch: Exagerated in every way.


EMI failed to do everything I hoped it would manage to do. I have made little voodoo dolls off Sean Clark and Mike Stemmle and I intend to use them if they try to make another game! Lucas Arts should just continue with crapy Star Wars games and leave adventure game making to Funcom.



-Yorick the King's Jester

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>EMI failed to do everything I hoped it >would manage to do. I have made little >voodoo dolls off Sean Clark and Mike >Stemmle and I intend to use them if they >try to make another game! Lucas Arts should >just continue with crapy Star Wars games >and leave adventure game making to Funcom.


Geez... I think that writing THAT was a bit harsh. Sure, EMI wasn't as great as SMI or maybe in your opinion LCR and CMI were better, but I think that LucasArts done some of the greatest adventure games on the market. If you don't believe me, you probably never played 'jems' like Day Of The Tentacle, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Loom, and a couple of others. I don't think that all puzzles in EMI are good, but some ARE quite decent. Please use examples in the puzzles that have upset you, because other than 'fake-skin trampoline' I haven't come accross another that made me upset. Everything else seems pretty logical. (yes, I have solved the 'perfume on the stuffed animal' one by myself, and i can describe my flow of thoughts, if you would like!)

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Man, I'm the ultimate LEC fan, but this LEC is not the same LEC that had Tim Shafer and Ron Gilbert and all the other great people that made DOTT, MI1, 2, 3 even, Grim Fandango, etc.


It seems that the only thing that made the puzzles hard is the crap you could collect: All the body parts I collected and had no idea how to use and what for--they were just distractions. Everything you could collect gave you the finished product. I couldn't feel the structure behind it: You have to collect the red paint, to paint the tree, to make George chop it off, to free laverne, to steal the tentacle chart, to give it to Betsy Rose, to go up on the roof with the crank from the present so that you get the costume.


Whereas most puzzles in EMI were of the sort: walk to the beach, pick up the coconut, throw it at Herman--puzzle solved--there's no depth to the puzzles, and puzzles are the reason adventure games are played. The story also has a lot to do, but the story in EMI takes itself seriously, previous games (excluding CMI, which was near, but not exactly) were nonchalant, and just becaue of that interesting. If this was anything BUT a MI game, it would be a good first try, alas...



-Yorick the King's Jester

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Originally posted by theEXIT:

a note to salvius: when talking about monkey island games, I'd like to make it clear that SMI and LCR came way before CMI and EMI. You said that the first two 'don't classify to be MI games' which is beyond ironic, because they are (and always will be) the definition of MONKEY ISLAND.


theEXIT, can you find me a quote where I said SMI and SMI:LCR don't classify as MI games. Ummm... SMI is by far and away my favorite... I did say LCR failed in my eyes, I never said itdidn't classify as a MI game. Next time, please read more carefuly as I dislike when my words are misinterpreted.

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(extremely large gap)


(large void)




MI4 was terrible, bug ridden 3d tripe, ive seen better 3d games on the playstation, the engine must have been put together one rainy afternoon with glue and tissue paper, why didnt cant they just churn out one a year using the same engine as three whiched worked fine ????


and i also think stan's appearance in mi3 was genius,


and why does everyone slate 2 so much, its clear that you expected it to be better than 1 and couldnt see thru your dissapointment.


finally i thought that in one when you return to melee all the kru come with u ???

so why do they make like u left them there in 4 ?


finally having the game crash has seem to have happened to many people on this website, this is unforgiveable for any game, but for a game as code simplistic as an adventure one surely the programmers as well as designers should be shot,


and i wasnt calling you shirley

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I'm Totally With MERLIN on this one. MI2 Ruled because of it's slightly no linear nature... moving from island HUGE ATMOSPHERE and I think the best final showdown with LeChuck.


Go Merlin


what ****ED me off in MI4 was the fact that Islands where on the map i.e Dinky and Phatt, But you never went there. To build a guy up only to knock him down again is pretty ****ty.


I wanted to go see guv'nor Phatt again


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Here's my order to the MI games:

1- Curse of Monkey Island- the graphics were the best 2d-animated you could get, besides it's the best humour! Who hasn't laughed with Murray and the barber pirates???


2-I'll have to go for a tie here between Secret of monkey island and Escape from Monkey Island.... I know everybody out there probably disagrees with me. But's my opinion... although EMI had some bad puzzles and was quite easy and quick to finish I found it very funny at some parts and the graphics do a greate job as well... The first monkey Island was terrific, a classic! But it wasn't too much fun to play... it had some preety boring puzzles too.

3- Monkey Island 2:Lechuck's Revenge- It was funny, with good puzzles.... but I don't know..... TOO serious! The plot was dawm strange too! That end....... It wasn't any graphical evolution as well.


Hey, I said that but I just LOVE the MI series!!! In my opinion is the best example of how adventure games must be done.

Oh! I wanna start with you adventure-lovers a movement to beg to Lucasarts a new Maniac Mansion!!! I just loved that game too! It never received the credit it deserves!!! Thanks to that game we're here now discussing if MI4 is good.

So, I'll create a bumper sticker and give to all who agree with me... it'll be like this:

"if you're working at Lucasart's PLEASE make MANIAC MANSION 3: Bernard and the last tentacle" I've even given a name! I dont care about the name.... JUST GIVE ME ANOTHER MANIAC MANSION!!!!(SCUMM system!!!)



this pig-shaped bush frightens and confuses me!

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Secret of Monkey Island challenged me most...

but it's tied with Curse for 1st. I think that MI3 was easiest to navigate, with the mouse of course.


MI4 was great also, I loved the graphics, even though Monke Kombat and the keyboard were a bit trying.


I haven't played MI2 yet. So I'll keep you all updated! biggrin.gif

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