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Dissapointments. Lots of Dissapointments.


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Is it just me?


After purchasing EMI, all i could think about on the drive back to my place was how awesome this game was gonna be. After playing all the previous CMI's I thought for sure this game was gonna be a hit.


Boy, i was way off on that one. Is it just me, or did this game just seem way to easy compared to the others? And what was up with going to 3d? In all the previous MI's it would take me quite a while to solve a puzzle, but in EMI I just seemed to blast right through them. Just wondering if its just me, or if this game is as big of a dissapointment as I think it was.

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Based on the posts on these forums, it seems many people were disappointed by EMI, so you're definitely not alone. As for me, I'm just glad I got some Monky Island fix.



"Show me a man who's gentle and kind, and I'll show you a loser."

-Meet the Parents

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  • 1 month later...

yeah, unfortunately, with all great traditions comes hype. no game could live up to the hype we suffered from. But I still think it did a pretty decent job.



"That's the second biggest monkey head I've ever seen!"

-Guybrush Threepwood

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Personally I found EMI to be an okay Monkey Island game. I mean it did have some things going for it:


* The humor for the game was on-par, or greater than that of CMI (at least in my opinion)

* The CGI doesn't look at all bad, and while I'm from the old school who prefers the old style, I didn't think it looked at all bad

* The voice talent for the game, as with CMI, was perfect, and each character had a good voice supporting them

* EMI had the longest, and most well thought out ending that a Monkey Island game has ever had (of course this isn't saying much)


The bad points:

* The 3d aspect of the game makes one feel overwhelmed, and the user has a tendency to seek outside help instead of trying to figure out the puzzles themselves

* A *COMPLETE* walkthrough came with the game

* Like all the Monkey Islands, the last chapter was made far too simple and short


Overall, I would never lable EMI as a bad game, but it wasn't the best of the Monkey Island lot. Still, I think *SOME* of you are being a bit hard on the game, and if you take another look at it you'll notice that it isn't the worst adventure game on earth (that distinction goes to Space Quest 4, but thankfully both SQ5 & SQ6 repaired the damage caused by *THAT* particular flop).


Bob Shrimp

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Agree with much of what you say. EMI had the potential to be the best of the series but was let down by several flaws in my opinion.


I thought the 3D and character voices were superb, top marks. What disappointed me was how obscure some of the puzzles were. Some seemed to defy any kind of logic, almost on a par with Discworld in some places.


I found the swamp scenario to be really flawed in design, and an absolute pain in the ar*e. Also the rock scenario in act 3, vista point? That really didn't make any sense to me. I could go on.


So much of the game was a delight to play, strokes of genius in places. I just felt that there were serious flaws in the game design, it seemed almost rushed in parts.


Most people seemed to find this game easy, I didn't! Mainly because some of the puzzle's didn't seem logical to me.


Overall, I enjoyed it, but it could have been so much better. I hope they make MI5, and if they do, I'd suggest keeping the same game engine and leaving the development team to concentrate on the game itself.


Is it true that this development team is different to the one that worked on the previous MI games?







Originally posted by Bob Shrimp:

Personally I found EMI to be an okay Monkey Island game. I mean it did have some things going for it:


* The humor for the game was on-par, or greater than that of CMI (at least in my opinion)

* The CGI doesn't look at all bad, and while I'm from the old school who prefers the old style, I didn't think it looked at all bad

* The voice talent for the game, as with CMI, was perfect, and each character had a good voice supporting them

* EMI had the longest, and most well thought out ending that a Monkey Island game has ever had (of course this isn't saying much)


The bad points:

* The 3d aspect of the game makes one feel overwhelmed, and the user has a tendency to seek outside help instead of trying to figure out the puzzles themselves

* A *COMPLETE* walkthrough came with the game

* Like all the Monkey Islands, the last chapter was made far too simple and short


Overall, I would never lable EMI as a bad game, but it wasn't the best of the Monkey Island lot. Still, I think *SOME* of you are being a bit hard on the game, and if you take another look at it you'll notice that it isn't the worst adventure game on earth (that distinction goes to Space Quest 4, but thankfully both SQ5 & SQ6 repaired the damage caused by *THAT* particular flop).


Bob Shrimp



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