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Best thing you have shoved down your pants?


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What is the best thing you have shoved down your pants? ...I mean what is your favorite item of inventory that you've had Guybrush carry around? Most outrageous, largest, funniest, whatever you want. My favorite has to be the lit dynomite you can carry around in LCR. What about everyone else?




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The duck yeah the duck!!!



"Mooo? What kind of a duck are you?"




luv kim xxx



<br><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans Ms" size="2">"Being a teenager sucks. But that's the whole point! Surviving is the whole point."</font>

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Guest The Feral Chicken

The Navigator Head in MI1



That's the second chicken I've ever seen! What with me being a pirate and all. I don't see many chickens in my line of work.

What? Stop looking at me like that!



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jojo the monkey in mi2, or the frying oil in MI3.




An advertizment for NFGboy:

Infomercial type voice- NFGboy, from Klingware international, one look and you are hooked for life. Your legs are jittering, your hands are shaking, sweat pours down your face when u see him. You lose your job because of all the gifts u wanted to buy him. Friends will suggest an intervention but u end up alone on the street, naked, hungry and screaming repeatedly, over and over, "I NEED YOU NFGBOY!"

So take the plunge into a phenomonon that has women around the world gasping for breath.

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