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your scariest monkey moment

Le shmuck

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I'm kinda high-strung, so also, with me it was when LeChuck kept sneaking up on you in the tunnels. My heart does the exact same thing.




I am the queen of all monkeys! Bow down before me! BWAHAHAHAHA!!...I said bow!...Hey I'm serious!...BOW!...Stop that giggling!

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I was so scared in that same place (I was 7 or something), that ever I played MI2, I stopped tha game in tha end just before Guybrush fall into that place and never finnished that game before tha age o' 10. And when I first saw my friends playing MI2, I haved nightmeres of Rapp the Zombie...



Y'all know what I'm sayin'?

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I was so scared in that same place (I was 7 or something), that ever I played MI2, I stopped tha game in tha end just before Guybrush fall into that place and never finnished that game before tha age o' 10. And when I first saw my friends playing MI2, I haved nightmeres of Rapp the Zombie...



Y'all know what I'm sayin'?

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Guest The Feral Chicken

Think about it; Monkey Island is a very dark and sinister game underneath; the whole LeChuck episode, resurrecting the dead, voodoo, zombies, skeletal hordes, but it all masks it up with humour and things.


But I was the same as Largo; I played it when I was about seven & we had a save game of the tunnels and I never used it, and I used to be scared of going through that tunnel on Phatt Island because its pretty much the same.



Watch out; The Chickens are watching and will soon take over! HAHAHAHA!!!

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I must be the last person here to have done everything. I played MI1 like five or six years ago when I was eight (I'm fourteen now), but I didn't get to finish it until I got the MI Maddness CD because according to what my brother said, his friend broke the MI1 CD when he stepped on it (*Come on* you can't break a CD by stepping on it, I've tried!) and I had never even HEARD of MI2 until CMI came out. Then I abandoned MI2 for a while because I was so frustated with it, So I think I just beat it sometime last spring.....did all of that make sen.e? If I keep rambling on like this I quit making sence. Anyway, I think it's pretty clear that the last part of MI2 is the scariest.




I am the queen of all monkeys! Bow down before me! BWAHAHAHAHA!!...I said bow!...Hey I'm serious!...BOW!...Stop that giggling!

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Monkey Girl, I know exactly what you mean. I played MI 1 when I was about 7 or 8 (I turn 15 this Nov.) and when CMI came out in 97', I didn't even know that there was a second game! I was like "Whoah, they made another one? Holy sheep sh**!!" I still jump when i play the tunnel part in the dark...



I'm selling these fine leather jackets...

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yeah that part is defenitely the scariest, but that was probably the big idea...


i also didn't 'feel safe' in LeChucks fortress with all those skeletondoors...

pretty creepy lookin' when you're 8 or something like that



"mwahahaha" - Murray

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  • 5 months later...
Guest The Feral Chicken

So, newbies, what was yours? (rather than start a new topic)


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I think the ending of LCR where LeChuck kid watches to the "camera" and flashes the red eye... creepy...


I thought "What the Heck? Look out guybrush!" but I could do nothing... oh I wish the serie would have ended there.. I mean, such a great ending spoiled in CMI smile.gif




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Originally posted by Dinghy Dog:

Those are the only two events in the whole MI series that kind of scared me. The whole dream sequence and then the tunnels. I don't know, I guess I don't like it when large voodoo men sneak up behind me.



yea, i was getting out the hankie, and he came in and i flipped out... *shudder*









"So thats your game huh? Spinning the helpless skull? How juvinielle"


go visit my new website!


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