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A few Question....plz

Guest Khameir_Sarin

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Guest Khameir_Sarin

Hi im new to this forum, but i dont have enough time on my hands to go searching through this huge forum for all my questions, so i was wondering if ya'll could please help-

Are the following people in the game as a toybox/ unit:

Darth Maul- :dmaul3:

Boba Fett- (i believe he is, just wanna make sure) :fett:

Jango Fett- (i dont think so, but i hope so):jango:

Bossk- Fett vs. Bossk- OH YEAH :bossk:

Royal Gaurd- Those cool red guys :guard:

Mace Windu- Coolest Jedi

Slave 1- Oh yeah

Prince Xizor- he'd be kinda cool...:xizor:


And my final question- Can you rename people in the scenerio editer? For ex- rename Darth Maul Khameir Sarin? I so hope so, it was in AOE2

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Well Khemeir, first of all welcome to the Pit of Dispair!!! Don't even think about trying to esca......errr....wrong movie....welcome to the forums!! I'll try and answer the questions as best as possible........


as to the characters in the toybox.......Maul and Boba Fett I think are for sure...along with Bossk......as to Slave 1, Mace, Jango(nearly sure he isn't), Xizor and the Royal Guards I'm not sure about.


Now about the renaming the units I am not quite sure. But I thought I read during the big chat that you couldn't edit unit stats in the editor. I'm not sure if this includes the name...but it might! Sorry I wasn't too much help!! Happy Gaming!


General Theros

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Darth Maul- ahould be


Boba Fett- (i believe he is, just wanna make sure) yup, toybox


Jango Fett- (i dont think so, but i hope so) nay, donT think so


Bossk- Fett vs. Bossk- OH YEAH I believe yes


Royal Gaurd- Those cool red guys yes


Mace Windu- Coolest Jedi think in toybox


Slave 1- Oh yeah yup, there's a Boba in Slave I unit


Prince Xizor- he'd be kinda cool... no, I fear there aren't any SotE units ...

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Guest Khameir_Sarin

Thanx for all the help so far, anyone else have anything else to ad? It all helps alot.


but does anyone know if Darth maul and Boba fett have good stats? I hope so, but does anyone know for sure? I mean if their stats suck, it would be stupid! Boba Fett, best bounty hunter in the galaxy in huge sweet armor, and Darth Maul, perhaps one of the best sith in martial arts and has a strong power in the force (well hes no Vader, but come on, Vaders kinda old....)He can take on 2 Jedi with his lightsaber!

This is what i would give them-(all stats in AoE2 format, since i dont know what you call them in GB

Boba fett- 15 attack, 450 HP, Strong pierce armor and high armor value, strong Distant value (dont know whats too high or too low in these)

Darth Maul- 14 attack, 500 Hp, High pierce armor, low armor for himself though (he wears cloth)No distant ability besides conversion.

What do ya think? (i tried to make them fare...personally i hope their better...)

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Guest generalViper

emperor is going to be so freakin strong it will be amazing, oh and I heard somewhere that u can be general veers and if u garrison him inside a AT-AT it gets a pretty good attack bonus

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Guest ReaperFett

I hope you can rename. Id rather a mission where Jedi Ash Longbaugh has to stop Darth Veart from killing Senator Kacki, as opposed to Jedi stopping Sith kill man :)

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