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Question regarding animal herding?

Guest Nerf Herder

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Guest Nerf Herder

I had a question about the building that gives you food when you herd animal (animal shelter?). Is it better then just killing the nerf and getting the food the old fashion way, cut and tear :D I heard that if you collect the nerfs and put them into the shelter you get food per game minute. I was wondering if the resources saved by not building the shelter will be better in the long run?


What do you guys do to get food in the game during tech 1? Do you make farms in the first tech or begin in the 2nd tech? Thanks for your reply.

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For food in level one, Here is what I do



Immediately set a worker to build a prefab shelter and start building workers in your command center. Check for food sources nearby, if you don't see any (fruit bushes, fish, or herd animals like nerfs and banthas) -- have your other workers start stripping carbon from a tree near the command center and scout for food sources. Once you begin to run out of natural food supplies, move your workers onto farming, use a worker to create farms, near either your command center or your food processing centers.


Once you have found your food, think how you best go about gathering, for berries build a processing center nearby, for animals herd them into your town center to slaughter near the command center or build an animal nursery to herd them into, you don't want your workers travelling farther than they have to, as this will slow down production.




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I always keep those nerfs, because a constant food influx (even increased by upgrades ) can't be bad .


So instead of hunting, I let em pick berries, while one worker also starts farming . After initial berries next to CC are depleted, all food guys go to farming .

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Guest Darth_Nixon42

I For one prefer to keep all my nerfs, and let them generate food over time. Sure, some may say that you need the initial food boost, but i find if you are clever in what you do when the game starts, and use up the other natual resources, sitting back and watching your food go up by the min is great.


It aslo means, when its upgraded, you dont need nearly as many farmers as you did in AOK.

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Guest WC_heavyarms

I don't even waste time with nerfs. All i do is make a food center and farms and increase the amount of workers on carbon and food.

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How can nerfs be a waste of time? I'd rather have a constant stream of food coming in, than continually have to build & regenerate farms, The nerfs are there - use them :)

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