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Did you use walkthrough?


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I've used it a few times, usually in frustration of not being able to find the solution on my own.... redface.gif




"There's something wrong with your cow--I was trying to milk it, and was tugging and pulling, and nothing came out!"

"...the cow's name is 'Herman'."

  --City Slickers 2: The Search for Curly's Gold


[This message has been edited by brief (edited March 01, 2001).]

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I used a walkthrough at the bronze hat on Knuttin, and Herman`s memory. And maybe a little on the Monkey Mug, but I used a sort of a hint walkthrough, where you see one hint at the time, and there are all together 10 hints or so.

I figured out how to do the machine at Dave`s over at my neighbour`s, he got the game before me. I was so proud, biggrin.gif and I also figured out the swamp.

Another thing he didn`t find out was that you could go to Knuttin Atoll with the rowing boat. I just said, Use that one, and it worked. He was pretty surprised.

I found out the boulder puzzle at once, when I saw the branches, and used like 10 min. to complete it, I didn`t even leave the Vista Point, cause I said to meself: Either I complete this now, or I quit the game.

I think I did well at most of the game, and I found out the shields meself, I just used the Banana Picker on everything.

Well, I might have used that hint thing some other places as well, but mostly I found out things meself.

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